Category: Board News

Join the Board – Open Positions

Board membership is on a voluntary basis and members are appointed to a two-year term. This working board meets monthly. Minimal time is required outside of the regular meetings to execute specific tasks as delegated during board meetings, or to participate in extra initiatives around program development, community engagement, and strategic planning. 

Interested candidates should submit their resume/CV and letter of intent to

Division Directors and Special Interest Representatives:
Candidate must be able to perform the following:

  • Act as a point person for elected division and relay issues and pertinent information using the MAEA procedure for emailing.
  • Attend (virtually or in-person) monthly board meetings and annual retreats.
  • Submit reports as needed to the shared Google Drive folder at least eight days prior to the scheduled Board meeting.
  • Review the reports in the shared Google Drive folder prior to the scheduled Board meeting.
  • Attend MAEA sponsored events, conferences, exhibitions, and/or activities.
  • Author or solicit at least three articles per year for the MAEA News (digital publication).
  • Chair or actively participate in at least one MAEA committee.
  • Review policy and procedures, and make recommendations for inclusion in the Policy Manual as in the best interest of the Association and its members.

Committee Chairs:
Candidate must be able to perform the following:

  • Act as a point person for the committee and relay pertinent information to the board.
  • Attend monthly board meetings either virtually or in person, if unable to attend notify the secretary as soon as possible.
  • Hold committee meetings, and document work via committee meeting template. Monthly meetings are suggested.
  • Submit a report via report template with highlighted action items as needed to the secretary at least eight days prior to the scheduled meeting. In addition to action items, reports should include committee accomplishments and future plans. 
  • Work with committee to reference, review, and update Policy Manual including procedures, timelines, and guidelines. Any changes to procedures and policies must be brought to the board for approval prior to implementation. These plans and actions must be in conformance with the overall strategic plans formulated by the Board of Directors.
  • With the assistance of the committee, submit an annual projected budget for approval by November for the following fiscal year (January 1).
  • Author or solicit from at least one article per year for the MAEA Newsletter.
  • Work toward advancing the mission of the Association.
  • Work with other committee chairs to coordinate efforts.

Candidate must be able to perform the following:

  • Keep a permanent record of all Association proceedings (Google Drive/Docs)
  • Keep complete accurate minutes of all meetings of the Association (Google Drive/Docs)
  • Submit via electronic means, proposed minutes within fourteen days after a meeting, for approval of the President, and upon approval of the President, send to the Board of Directors for their final approval
  • Post meeting agendas to the Association website and provide minutes to members upon request
  • Disseminate meeting agenda and reports as set by the President at least four days prior to the scheduled meeting
  • Include an account of the members who are present for meetings in minutes
  • Alert Board of Directors of the need for a quorum when votes outside of a board meeting are to be held
  • Appoint a representative to serve in his/her capacity should s/he be unable to attend a meeting
  • Prepare the membership report for upcoming meetings
  • Prepare press releases to be approved by the Executive Committee and disseminated to the appropriate venues once approved
  • Fulfill other duties and responsibilities as designated by the Board of Directors
  • Review policy and make recommendations for inclusion in the Policy Manual as in the best interest of the Association and its members

Candidate must be able to perform the following:

  • Work with MAEA Board of Directors to maintain MAEA website. 
  • Review and correct links that aren’t working and pictures that aren’t appearing properly.
  • Examine and analyze site traffic.
  • Regulate and manage access rights of different MAEA website users.
  • Work with the PR committee to solicit content from the board, and support the board in updating that content. 
  • Update membership emails/contacts in Constant Contact and email.
  • Submit reports as needed to the Secretary at least eight days prior to the scheduled meeting.
  • Work toward advancing the mission of the Association.
  • Chair or actively participate in the Public Relations Committee. 
  • Review policy and procedures, and make recommendations for inclusion in the Policy Manual as in the best interest of the Association and its members.

Publications Editor:
Candidate must be able to perform the following:

  • Put out a digital publication of the MAEA News three times a year using InDesign. 
  • Edit article submissions (Google Docs) and format (InDesign) the MAEA News for publication.
  • Work with member of the PR Committee to review/edit spelling/grammar of articles as they are submitted via Google Drive and Google Docs. 
  • Notify the MAEA Board when articles are due. 
  • Review submission packets to make sure they are complete (Article, Images, Permission Paperwork).
  • Read and respond to emails sent to
  • Keep submissions organized in MAEA Google Drive.
  • Communicate with organizations and institutions regarding advertisements for the MAEA News.
  • Work with the Public Relations Committee to review and revise policies related to the MAEA News.
    More information re: MAEA News:

Advocacy Liaison:
Candidate must be able to perform the following:

  • Liaise with other Arts organizations.
  • Submit reports as needed to the Secretary at least eight days prior to the scheduled meeting.
  • Author or solicit at least one article focussing on advocacy per year for the MAEA News (digital publication).
  • Work toward advancing the mission of the Association.
Interested in becoming more involved, but aren’t ready to take the plunge into an official board position? Consider joining one of our active committees like awardsconference, youth art monthpublic relationsstudent recognitionsexhibitions, or professional development. Committees typically meet monthly via Zoom.

Cast Your Vote to Elect Cari DiCicco to the role of MAEA President-Elect

We are happy to share that Caroline has expressed interest in the role of MAEA President-Elect! While Cari is running unopposed, please take a moment to cast your vote in support of Cari. You will find the ballot in an email that was sent to MAEA member emails on July 25 from The deadline to cast your vote is August 3, 2022.

Below you can read her full bio as well as what additional positions we are currently looking to fill on the MAEA Board of Directors.

Caroline “Cari” A. DiCicco is the K-12 Art Coordinator for the Everett Public Schools. She is a graduate of the Massachusetts College of Art and Design and Lesley University. She has been an active visual art educator in the greater Boston area since 2008, and is an avid painter and sculptor. She has supervised aspiring educators from both Framingham State University, Tufts University and the Massachusetts College of Art and Design, and has guest lectured in the Art Education departments of Framingham State and Mass Art. This past year, she has completed the MTA and NEA’s Teacher Leadership Institute and facilitated professional development for Everett educators surrounding Culturally Responsive Pedagogy. She received a Crystal Award for her capstone project at this year’s annual MTA meeting. Cari has spent the last few years teaching visual art at the George Keverian School, as well as leading their well attended Art Club. She and her students have participated in various art exhibitions at the Malden courthouse, Everett City Hall, as well as murals at Beautification Way and Rivergreen Park during Mayor Carlo DeMaria’s Spring Clean Up Day. Cari recently exhibited work in Montserrat College of Art’s annual Inspired Views exhibition. In her spare time, she is passionate about helping others enhance their lives through fitness as a local CrossFit Coach and recently won first place at an RPS Powerlifting Meet.

The MAEA board is filled by MAEA members just like you. Consider giving back to your state association in the role of an official board position.
We have a number of positions open for a partial term. If you are interested or want more information, please reach out to!
  • Awards Committee Chair Now – Dec 31, 2022
  • Secondary Division Director Now – Dec 31, 2022
  • Retired Representative Now – Dec 31, 2023
  • Community Arts Representative Now – Dec 31, 2023
  • Exhibitions Committee Chair Now – Dec 31, 2023
  • Advocacy Liaison Now – Dec 31, 2023
  • Webmaster Now – Dec 31, 2023
  • Publications Editor Now – Dec 31, 2023
More information about any of the other the positions above can be found here. If you are interested in any of these positions please submit a resume or CV and a letter or email of intent to

2022 – 2023 MAEA Goals

The MAEA Board of Directors recently updated our goals for 2022-2023.  Read more about them below and learn how to get involved!

MAEA Goals – January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2023

  • Increase membership with specific emphasis on the Cape/Islands & Central/Western Massachusetts and specific special interest groups (community arts, preservice educators, early childhood, etc.). (Board)
  • Develop new PD offerings to help increase enrollments in PD and work to build partnerships for community sites for face to face PD. (PD & Board)
  • Provide membership ways to connect with one another (Board, Conference & PR Committees)
  • Implement the prioritized ED&I Task Force recommendations (ED&I Committee, Board)
  • Complete Policy Manual draft by February 2023 (ECommittee & Board)
    • Create/review policy manuals for all committees and finance.
    • Review MAEA documents to ensure we have a conflict of interest policy; document retention and destruction policy; whistle blower policy.
    • Review Finance policies to confirm we have checks and balances.
    • Create process for onboarding new board members with a mentorship period where the outgoing board member would be able to support. Including video tutorials for certain logistics.
    • Review and possibly revise terms for board positions to provide opportunity for overlap.
  • Develop at least one MAEA sponsored scholarship/grant opportunity (ECommittee, Board).
  • Consider new board positions, which may include regional reps, social media manager, PR committee chair (ECommittee, Board)

Approved by the MAEA Board of Directors April 2022


Join the Board – Open Positions

Board membership is on a voluntary basis and members are appointed to a two-year term. This working board meets monthly. Minimal time is required outside of the regular meetings to execute specific tasks as delegated during board meetings, or to participate in extra initiatives around program development, community engagement, and strategic planning. 

Interested candidates should submit their resume or CV/letter of intent to

Secondary Division Director, Retired Representative and Community Arts Representative:
Candidate must be able to perform the following:

  • Act as a point person for elected division and relay issues and pertinent information using the MAEA procedure for emailing.
  • Attend (virtually or in-person) monthly board meetings and annual retreats.
  • Submit reports as needed to the shared Google Drive folder at least eight days prior to the scheduled Board meeting.
  • Review the reports in the shared Google Drive folder prior to the scheduled Board meeting.
  • Attend MAEA sponsored events, conferences, exhibitions, and/or activities.
  • Author or solicit at least three articles per year for the MAEA News (digital publication).
  • Chair or actively participate in at least one MAEA committee.
  • Review policy and procedures, and make recommendations for inclusion in the Policy Manual as in the best interest of the Association and its members.

Awards Committee and Exhibitions Committee:
Candidate must be able to perform the following:

  • Act as a point person for the committee and relay pertinent information to the board.
  • Attend monthly board meetings either virtually or in person, if unable to attend notify the secretary as soon as possible.
  • Hold committee meetings, and document work via committee meeting template. Monthly meetings are suggested.
  • Submit a report via report template with highlighted action items as needed to the secretary at least eight days prior to the scheduled meeting. In addition to action items, reports should include committee accomplishments and future plans. 
  • Work with committee to reference, review, and update Policy Manual including procedures, timelines, and guidelines. Any changes to procedures and policies must be brought to the board for approval prior to implementation. These plans and actions must be in conformance with the overall strategic plans formulated by the Board of Directors.
  • With the assistance of the committee, submit an annual projected budget for approval by November for the following fiscal year (January 1).
  • Author or solicit from at least one article per year for the MAEA Newsletter.
  • Work toward advancing the mission of the Association.
  • Work with other committee chairs to coordinate efforts.

Candidate must be able to perform the following:

  • Work with MAEA Board of Directors to maintain MAEA website. 
  • Review and correct links that aren’t working and pictures that aren’t appearing properly.
  • Examine and analyze site traffic.
  • Regulate and manage access rights of different MAEA website users.
  • Work with the PR committee to solicit content from the board, and support the board in updating that content. 
  • Update membership emails/contacts in Constant Contact and email.
  • Submit reports as needed to the Secretary at least eight days prior to the scheduled meeting.
  • Work toward advancing the mission of the Association.
  • Chair or actively participate in the Public Relations Committee. 
  • Review policy and procedures, and make recommendations for inclusion in the Policy Manual as in the best interest of the Association and its members.

Advocacy Liaison
Candidate must be able to perform the following:

  • Liaise with other Arts organizations, such as Arts Learning, MassCreative, DESE Arts Leaders, and Arts for All.
  • Submit reports as needed to the Secretary at least eight days prior to the scheduled meeting.
  • Author or solicit at least one article focusing on advocacy per year for the MAEA News (digital publication).
  • Work toward advancing the mission of the Association.

Publications Editor
Candidate must be able to perform the following:

  • Put out a digital publication of the MAEA News three times a year using InDesign. 
  • Edit article submissions (Google Docs) and format (InDesign) the MAEA News for publication.
  • Work with member of the PR Committee to review/edit spelling/grammar of articles as they are submitted via Google Drive and Google Docs. 
  • Notify the MAEA Board when articles are due. 
  • Review submission packets to make sure they are complete (Article, Images, Permission Paperwork).
  • Read and respond to emails sent to
  • Keep submissions organized in MAEA Google Drive.
  • Communicate with organizations and institutions regarding advertisements for the MAEA News.
  • Work with the Public Relations Committee to review and revise policies related to the MAEA News.
    More information re: MAEA News:
Interested in becoming more involved, but aren’t ready to take the plunge into an official board position? Consider joining one of our active committees like awardsconference, youth art monthpublic relationsstudent recognitionsexhibitions, or professional development. Committees typically meet monthly via Zoom.

Congratulations to Diana Adams Woodruff

The Arts|Learning Distinguished Arts Educator Advocate Award recognizes arts educators in music, dance, theater, and the visual arts who demonstrate leadership and excellence in teaching and the development of model arts programs and partnerships. These outstanding educators use the arts and cultural resources to support opportunities for multicultural learning and interdisciplinary planning, and to further the role of the arts in education.


The Feldman Award is being given to two educators this year. The first we are celebrating is Diana Adams Woodruff.

Diana was the K-12 Visual Arts Director for the Acton-Boxborough Regional School District for 22 years. She is presently a Program Supervisor for Teacher Candidates at Massachusetts College of Art and Design.

Diana was a member of the NAEA Visual Arts Standards Committee that developed the Model Cornerstone Assessments and was a reviewer for the recently revised Massachusetts Visual Arts Standards. She serves on the board of the Massachusetts Art Education Association, presently as Chair of the Recognitions Committee, developing and piloting that juried exhibit for high school students. Diana also serves on the Art All-State Steering Committee and served on the Massachusetts Scholastics Advisory Board.

Diana was a member of the NAEA Research Delegations to India, Myanmar, Finland, Cuba, and Poland. Her artwork has been included in faculty shows at the Worcester Art Museum, exhibits of work by Massachusetts Art Educators at the State Transportation Building in Boston, as well as the Davis Gallery in Worcester, the NAEA Members’ Annual Exhibit in Virginia, the Greek Institute, Cambridge, and Island Center for the Arts, Skopelos, Greece.

Diana won several NASA Teacher Grants to work with other educators to make connections among science and math as well as the arts. A painting with a space fight theme, gifted to Diana by a student in Moscow, was included in the artifacts flown on Atlantis STS-71, the first docking mission with the Russian space station Mir.


The 34th Annual Champions of Arts Education Advocacy Awards Celebration will be held on November 17th at Old Sturbridge Village, 1 Old Sturbridge Village Road, Sturbridge, MA 01566

This year’s event will be live AND livestreamed! Stay tuned for more information about this event.

NAEA September Member Portrait

The MAEA Board of Directors is excited to share that our very own Margaurita Spear is the September NAEA Member Portrait. Margaurita currently serves on the board in the role of Professional Development Committee Chair and Early Childhood Representative. Margaurita is also a visual arts educator in Beverly, Massachusetts. 

Why NAEA matters to Margaurita: As a member of NAEA, I benefit from automatic membership in my state organization. Through my state organization, I have amassed a supportive network of fellow teachers, my individual experience is valued, and I am provided with numerous opportunities for professional growth and involvement in that organization.

Margaurita’s tip for art education success: A growth mindset is vital for longevity as a visual arts educator. I believe education is a journey for both students and teachers. We must always be willing to learn, expand our perspectives, and consider new methodologies and ideas. I am always learning; my teaching has evolved because of that.

We’d love to see more MAEA members featured. If you are interested in being featured, take a few minutes to share your photo and insights with NAEA.

If you end up being selected as the NAEA Member Portrait, please let us know so we can be sure to share the good news!

Congratulations to Laura Marotta

“For the last 27 years, recipients of the Erskine award have proven, time and time again, just what women leaders are capable of,” stated Executive Director, Deborah Hall. “They’ve blazed trails, shattered glass ceilings, and laid the foundation for future generations of women and people of color to succeed.”

Laura is currently Executive Director and oversees all programming for Creative Hub Worcester, a non-profit focused on using art as a vehicle for healing and social change. Ms. Marotta was an art educator in several different school systems for over seven years. She previously worked at both Diamond Newman Fine Arts as well as Newbury Fine Arts in Boston, Massachusetts as a fine arts sales consultant. She is currently the Past-President of the Massachusetts Art Education Association, and is a practicing artist working mainly in watercolor and pen and ink. Currently Ms. Marotta oversees all programming for Creative Hub, including childcare, youth arts classes, adult workshops, gallery exhibitions, events, and more. She currently serves on the board for Love Your Labels, an LGBTQ+ youth focused advocacy organization.

Image credits: YWCA Central Massachusetts and Laura Marotta.

In Memoriam: Alicia Fine

Make a donation to support MassArt Youth Programs

Fleeting, light and fast
Hummingbird at my window
Alicia Fine

Alicia: Artist, friend, educator, sister, aunt, daughter, granddaughter, your mighty presence abounds. The hummingbird visits, reminds me of your energy, and I wonder, where are you?

I have known Alicia for over ten years since Ali began teaching in MassArt Youth Programs. Her dedication and caring attention to her students sparked many young people on their creative path.

Alicia turned many young artists on to the art of metalsmithing. In the hot summer months, on the 3rd floor of Collins, heat rising, with fans blowing, Alicia would keep students hydrated with popsicles. Always with an attentive smile, no detail was missed. At the end of each summer, one would always see Alicia moving a VERY LARGE display case to the gallery because carefully displaying and highlighting students beautiful work was essential.

Along with the work Alicia did at MassArt in Youth programs, I also know Ali from the Massachusetts Art Educators Association. We served together on the Awards Committee. One of the strengths Alicia had was her focused attention to details. Alicia helped to reframe the Awards Committee the year we served, so that the process was more transparent, and the nominations were judged externally. We enjoyed being able to honor Art Educators in this way.

Ali, Thank you for the many students you have touched, here is a story from one, Jessica: Ms. Fine, as I knew her, was and is a cherished part of my life and someone who I truly will never forget. I was a former student of hers…way back in 2002 (hard to believe that is almost 20 years ago)! She recently told me that I was her student her very first year of teaching which surprised me. I was your quintessential “damaged” adolescent who had lost all hope in adults at the age of 14/15 when I met her. She became, and remained, a guardian angel to me. It’s hard to put into words what she did for me. She took me under her wing and gave me hope in myself and in adults. She wrote letters to the court on my behalf when there was a custody case between my parents. She found spaces for me to eat lunch in the school when I didn’t want to be around other students. She helped me navigate friendships and encouraged me to join after-school activities. She helped me apply to colleges and stayed in touch every step of the way once I began college. After college, she guided me when I changed careers (to become an educator!) and attended my wedding. We would get together in person about once a year to catch up on things. 

When I visited her in May we spoke about how we first met in her painting class and how she didn’t give up on me like others had… she told me she went to the guidance office and asked the counselor for advice and the counselor had said “just keep showing up” and Ali sure did… and never stopped. No matter how old I got. It wasn’t just the small actions she did… it was that I knew she would always be there.

At my high school graduation. On the top of my cap, where most kids thank their parents or put a quote, I put “THX MS. FINE”. 

Thank you Alicia, Ali, Ms. Fine. You are missed.

Offered by Liz Reiser with permission from Jessica Delande to share her beautiful story.

If you have additional images you would like to share of Alicia Fine, please send them to

Make a donation to support MassArt Youth Programs

September MAEA Watch Party

The PD Committee has finalized details for the 2021-2022 Watch Party Discussion Series. The first session is Sep 8 at 6:00 pm ET.  Here you can find more info & register!
The MAEA Watch Party Discussion Series are ten companion discussions to the monthly NAEA webinars, facilitated by MAEA leaders, members, and selected guests who bring their unique experiences to each month’s topic. Watching the NAEA webinars is not a prerequisite, however doing so will enhance attendees’ general knowledge of the topic. For the 2021 – 2022 Watch Party series, MAEA facilitators will engage participants in open conversation, share helpful resources, and promote a supportive space for all to join in. These discussions will relate back to the theme of the NAEA webinars, but will include stand alone content so that they are not exactly the same.