MAEA T-Shirt Design Contest

Be a part of MAEA history and the   2019 NAEA Boston Convention  by designing our limited edition t-shirt that will be on sale prior to and at the convention with all proceeds going to benefit the important work of MAEA. The winning design will be selected in mid December. The winner(s) will be rewarded with an MAEA shirt featuring his/her design, free conference registration to the 2019 MAEA conference and will be featured on MAEA social media and website.
Design Should:
  • Celebrate the field of art education in some way.
  • Include #NAEA19
  • Be a maximum of two ink colors. If you use black or white it counts as one of your two colors.
  • T-shirt fabric can be almost any color so consider that in your design.
  • Design for front of t-shirt only.
  • Design could highlight location of convention (Boston) but that is optional.
Submission Deadline:

December 3, 2018 Learn more.

Youth Art Month Flag Contest

Don’t miss out on this great opportunity for your students. The Youth Art Month Flag Contest is open to students in grades K-12. Finished flag designs should be submitted digitally by December 14.
The student of the winning design will be awarded $400 from Sargent Art, and the teacher receives $600 in Sargent Art materials. There are also elementary, middle, and high school winners! Learn more.
2018 YAM Flag Design

Massachusetts Amazing Emerging Artists 2019 Recognitions Exhibit

MAEA Recognitions Exhibit LogoSecondary art educators, we invite you to participate in the second year of this exciting opportunity for high school art students.
This juried exhibit is open to students in grades 9-12. Participants must be students of an MAEA member.
Each teacher may submit up to 5 pieces of student artwork, with a limit of one entry per student and a $5 fee per entry.
Digital submissions will open November 1 and run through 20 and include the following categories: Drawing; Painting; Mixed Media; Photography; Digital/Graphic Design; Ceramics; Sculpture; Jewelry; Fashion; Printmaking. Learn more here. 
If you’d like to get involved and help with planning the 2019 MAEA Recognitions Exhibit please email Diana Woodruff at

Statewide Youth Art Month Exhibit 2019

Youth Art Month 2019 BannerMake sure you are a part of our 2019 statewide Youth Art Month exhibit, where we will honor Massachusetts artists in grades k-12 and celebrate quality art education at the State Transportation Building in Boston.

Important Dates
Registration Open – 11/1 – 12/14  Exhibit Open – 2/11 – 3/27

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Out Now – Fall/Winter Edition of the MAEA News

Make some time this week to check out the most recent edition of The MAEA News, the official digital publication of MAEA that comes out three times a year.
In this issue you’ll find the President’s Message from Laura Marotta, as well as articles from Tamera Burns, Tobey Eugenio, Kay Furst, and Jessica Sassaman. You’ll also find everything you need to know for the Boston Convention, Youth Art Month, and the Recognitions Exhibit, as well as a review of our most recent Instagram Takeovers. Check it out here.

National Art Honor Society Exhibit – Save the Date!

MAEA is continuing the series of art education exhibitions in the second floor atrium and gallery space at the State Transportation Building in Boston. Massachusetts art educators that act as National Art Honor Society or National Junior Art Honor Society chapter sponsors are invited to submit their NAHS/NJAHS student work for this annual exhibit.
Registration closes March 15. Learn more here.

Join the Board! Deadline Nov 1

The following MAEA Board positions are currently open for a two-year appointment, January 1, 2019 – December 31, 2020.

Interested members, as well as eligible incumbents, are encouraged to apply.
Voting Positions:
Elementary Division Director
Middle Level Division Director
Secondary Division Director

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Congratulations to the 2019 Art Educators of the Year

It is with great pride that we announce the 2019 MAEA Art Educators of the Year. If you would like to honor a colleague please consider nominating them today! Learn more. 

MAEA Lifetime Achievement Award –
John Michael Gray – Fine Arts Coordinator, Newton Public Schools, Newton

Art Educator of the Year –
Jaimee Taborda – Oxford High School, Oxford

Early Childhood Educator of the Year Award –
Meg Kuker – The Family Cooperative, Watertown

Elementary Art Educator of the Year –
Alexandra Etscovitz – Memorial Spaulding Elementary, Newton

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NAHS State Conference – October 20

Don’t miss out on this free opportunity to connect with other NAHS sponsors and chapters. The goal of the conference is to collaborate, share ideas, and network.

This one day conference will be hosted at Braintree High School.

This is an AWESOME opportunity for NAHS students across the state to gather together, share ideas, meet other students and create some ART!

If you are interested you can learn more here.  Please RSVP to NAHS Representative Heidi Hurley at no later than October 15, 2018 and provide:

  1. Chapter Sponsor name and email contact.
  2. List of students and officer positions attending.
  3. Brief write up of your NAHS chapter activities.
  4. List any special accommodations or needs.
  5. Anything else you would like us to know?

You can also reach out to Heidi if you have any questions, or want to learn more about starting a NAHS or NJAHS chapter.