Update re: Art All-State 2019

Due to circumstances beyond the control of the Art All-State Steering Committee, the Art All-State Massachusetts program will defer for one year.

Please note, the AAS Steering Committee is devoted to providing an alternate creative experience for current high school juniors in the spring of 2019, information forthcoming.

If you are interested in being involved in the conceptual development of the program, or would like to help in any way please contact the Art All-State Steering Committee Chair, Sheldon Vigeant and the Art All-State Program Director, Kristi Oliver at artallstateMA@gmail.com. 

Youth Art Month 2019 Banner
2018 YAM Flag Design

Join the MAEA Board

The MAEA board is looking to fill the following positions:
  • Museum Education Division Director
  • Awards Committee Chair
  • Conference Committee Chair
  • Publications Editor
  • Webmaster
Interested candidates should submit their resume or CV/letter of intent to secretary@massarted.com.
Interested in becoming more involved, but aren’t ready to take the plunge into an official board position, consider joining one of our active committees like awardsyouth art monthpublic relationsstudent recognitions, or exhibitions.

Welcome New and Returning Board Members

The MAEA Board of Directors is excited to welcome three new board members, and a number of returning board members. These new terms start January 1, 2019 and are two year terms, unless otherwise noted. Thank you to everyone for your commitment to MAEA!
Newly Elected Board Members
Helen Downey – Treasurer
Jaimee Taborda – Secretary
Newly Appointed Board Members
Katie McEwan – Elementary Division Director
David Polito – Supervision/Administration Division Director
Eleena Rioux – Youth Art Month Committee Chair
Continuing Board Members
Rebecca Bourgault – Preservice Division Director
Tamera Burns – Secondary Division Director
Tobey Eugenio – Middle Level Division Director
Kay Furst – Higher Education Division Director
Diana Adams Woodruff – Student Recognitions Committee Chair, one year term
Special thanks to Amy Briggs Kemeza and Jessica Sassaman, who are stepping down from their roles as Museum Education Division Director and Elementary Division Director. We wish them well and know they will continue their work supporting the mission of MAEA!

Join us to Celebrate the 2019 MAEA Art Educators of the Year

The MAEA Board of Directors is looking forward to honoring and celebrating the 2019 MAEA Art Educators of the Year at the 2019 NAEA Convention in Boston and we hope you will join us!
The awards ceremony has been scheduled for March 16, 2019 at 11:00 – 11:50 a.m. in Meeting Room 310/Center at the Hynes Convention Center, 900 Boylston Street, Boston, MA. Registration for the NAEA Convention is NOT required to attend the MAEA Awards Ceremony.
Interested in nominating a colleague for the 2020 MAEA Art Educator Awards? Learn more and nominate someone today!

Registration is Open – Youth Art Month at the Worcester Art Museum

In addition to the MAEA statewide YAM exhibit to be held at the Transportation Building in Boston, Youth Art Month will be celebrated at a number of regional locations across the state.

Registration is now open for the Youth Art Month exhibit at the Worcester Art Museum and closes February 1, 2019. This regional exhibit is organized by a committee of teachers in conjunction with the Worcester Art Museum, and is open to the districts in and around Worcester.

This year each teacher may submit up to 4 works at no cost, regardless of MAEA membership. All work meeting exhibit requirements will be accepted. Learn more.


Call for Proposals – Deadline December 22


The MAEA Awards Committee is currently accepting proposals from artists to design and create eleven art awards to be awarded to our 2019 MAEA award winners at the MAEA awards program at the NAEA National Convention in Boston. The stipend for this work is $550. Learn more.

  • a short letter of intent
  • three examples of past work
  • a thumbnail or mockup of design proposal
  • include the award winner name, award title, and award date
  • be functional or nonfunctional (for example: a vase vs. a plaque)

Submit your proposal (a short letter of intent, three examples of past work, and thumbnail/mockup) to Awards Committee Chair at awards@massarted.com


December 22, 2018

2018 YAM Flag Design