Submit an article, short update or even photos of student work for publication. The deadline for the Fall/Winter publication is October 4.
- Feature Articles (1200-1500 words) related to teacher education, school/classroom practice, policy issues, socio cultural issues, program administration, research projects, and anything else of general interest to the MAEA community.
- Personal Accounts (500-700 words), including stories and tips from the classroom and descriptions of successful activities. We would also like personal accounts from students who have interesting stories to share.
- Book or Material Reviews (400-750 words), including resources for teachers, textbooks, apps, websites, and software. Book/material reviews should include a disclosure if you were compensated in anyway for the review.
- Brief Reports (500-900 words)that describe what is going on in all parts of the Art Education world. This may include K-12 programs, college and universities, early childhood programs, etc., as well as reports on conference presentations and papers.