Deadline Extended: Submit your Article to the MAEA News!

Submit an article, short update or even photos of student work for publication. The new deadline for the Fall/Winter publication is October 13. 

Submissions may include:
  • Feature Articles (1200-1500 words) related to teacher education, school/classroom practice, policy issues, socio cultural issues, program administration, research projects, and anything else of general interest to the MAEA community.
  • Personal Accounts (500-700 words), including stories and tips from the classroom and descriptions of successful activities. We would also like personal accounts from students who have interesting stories to share.
  • Book or Material Reviews (400-750 words), including resources for teachers, textbooks, apps, websites, and software. Book/material reviews should include a disclosure if you were compensated in anyway for the review.
  • Brief Reports (500-900 words)that describe what is going on in all parts of the Art Education world. This may include K-12 programs, college and universities, early childhood programs, etc., as well as reports on conference presentations and papers.
Note that these are guidelines only. If you have an idea for a contribution that falls outside of these guidelines please email Jane McKeag at

PD Opportunity at The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art

Beautiful Stuff from Nature Workshop at The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art

Oct 21 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

“Learn how we, as educators, can engage others in exploring the natural environment, building collaborations and sharing knowledge and local resources.”

Registration includes lunch and a copy of the book, Beautiful Stuff from Nature.

PD Opportunity

Seeing Nature in Art, Seeing Art in Nature 

2-day Courses:
Friday/Saturday, November 1-2 (Part I)
and/or March 20-21 (Part II)

We invite preK-12 art and science educators to join us this fall as we immerse ourselves in art and the natural world at deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum in Lincoln. 
Inspired by the fall inauguration of Andy Goldsworthy‘s Watershed in deCordova’s 30-acre Sculpture Park and the upcoming photography-based exhibitions in the Museum building, All the Marvelous Surfaces: Photography Since Karl Blossfeldt and Peter Hutchinson: Landscapes of My Mind.  Sculpture, photography, and the natural world around us will provide the backdrop for developing interdisciplinary, place-based, experiential learning strategies, lesson plans, and projects. Science and visual arts teachers – and teachers from all disciplines – will together discover the aesthetics of scientific classification, use photography to investigate and document the ephemeral, observe the seasonal changes of both the natural world and outdoor sculpture, and create a sense of place through making. 

Instructors: museum educator Julie Bernson and artist-educator Kyle Browne

Sponsored by EDCO and open to educators of all disciplines at independent and public schools

Pricing, more information, and registration here

All questions are welcome: Julie Bernson at or 617.542.7696, ext. 4016.

Join the Board!

The following MAEA Board positions are currently open for a two-year appointment, January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2021.

Interested members, as well as eligible incumbents, are encouraged to apply.

Voting Positions:

Early Childhood Representative
Independent Schools Representative
National Art Honor Society Representative
Retired Representative
Special Needs Representative

Non-voting Positions:

Publications Editor

We also have additional positions open for a partial term including Secondary Division Director, Museum Education Division Director, Supervision/Administration Division Director, and Awards Committee Chair.

To apply for any of the above positions please submit a letter of intent and a resume/CV via email to no later than November 1, 2019. The Executive Committee will meet to review the materials and notify all parties later in November.

Interested in becoming more involved, but aren’t ready to take the plunge into an official board position? Consider joining one of our active committees like awardsyouth art monthpublic relationsstudent recognitions, or exhibitions.

For additional information about responsibilities and descriptions please refer to the MAEA Bylaws, Article III: Directors and Representatives.

Questions? Please contact Laura Marotta at

Youth Art Month Flag Contest

Another way to participate in Youth Art Month is the 2020 Youth Art Month Flag Contest sponsored by Sargent Art.

This contest is open to students of MAEA members, grade k-12. Digital entries will be accepted November 13 – December 20, 2019.

Prizes include $250 in Sargent Art supplies for one overall winner and $500 in supplies for the art teacher, as well as $100 in Sargent Art supplies each for one elementary, middle and high school student and $300 in supplies for their art teachers. More information coming soon.


Youth Art Month 2019 Banner

Youth Art Month Statewide Exhibit

Make sure you are a part of our 2020 statewide Youth Art Month exhibit, where we will honor Massachusetts artists in grades k-12 and celebrate quality art education at the State Transportation Building in Boston.

Important Dates

Registration Open – Nov 13 – Dec 20, 2019
Exhibit Open – Feb 10 – Mar 26, 2020

Don’t forget you can also celebrate Youth Art Month in your school, with your district, and at a regional exhibit near you. Start your YAM planning for a school or district event with this quick start guide from the Council for Art Education.

If you’d like to get involved and help with planning the statewide YAM exhibit please email Eleena Rioux at

2020 MAEA Recognitions Exhibit

Secondary art educators, we invite you to participate in the third year of this exciting opportunity for high school art students.

This juried exhibit is open to students in grades 9-12. Participants must be students of an MAEA member.

Each teacher may submit up to 5 pieces of student artwork, with a limit of one entry per student and a $5 fee per entry.

Digital submissions will open be open November 13 – December 6, 2019.

More information coming soon. Click here to see a gallery of the 2019 award winners.

If you’d like to get involved and help with planning the 2020 MAEA Recognitions Exhibit please email Diana Woodruff at


Massachusetts Craft Summit – Free for Grade 10 Students

Snow Farm is delighted to announce a FREE initiative to introduce young artists in Massachusetts to the craft school experience – learning traditional and contemporary craft in an immersive residential setting.

The MA Craft Summit will feature workshops in ceramics, drawing/painting, flameworking, flat glass, glassblowing, and metalsmithing/jewelry making.

This magical weekend is open to forty-eight tenth grade students who go to high school in Massachusetts. Secondary art educators, nominate an eligible student today! Learn more

Every Leader is an Artist

Seeking Nominations for Executive Committee Positions

The following MAEA Executive Committee positions are currently open for a two-year appointment:


Please submit a letter of intent, resume/CV, short biography (250 word), and head shot for the election to by October 15, 2019.

For more information regarding the position of President-Elect, which transitions into the positions of President and Past President, please visit the MAEA website.

Questions? Please contact Laura Marotta at