Call for Award Nominations – Deadline Extended to June 6

Here is your chance to celebrate your outstanding colleagues and nominate them for the 2022 MAEA Art Educator Awards. MAEA will honor the award recipients in conjunction with the 2021 MAEA Conference – exact event details to be determined. The submission deadline has been extended to June 6, 2021.

Don’t forget you can also toot your own horn and ask your administration to nominate you for an award or self nominate!

There are over 15 different MAEA Awards – Click here for more information and to submit a nomination.

Join the Board – Open Positions

MAEA is looking to fill the positions of Retired Representative, Preservice Division Director, Awards Committee Chair, Exhibitions Committee Chair, and Webmaster.

Board membership is on a voluntary basis and members are appointed to a two-year term. This working board meets monthly. Minimal time is required outside of the regular meetings to execute specific tasks as delegated during board meetings, or to participate in extra initiatives around program development, community engagement, and strategic planning. 

Interested candidates should submit their resume or CV/letter of intent to

Retired Representative and Preservice Division Director
Candidate must be able to perform the following:

  • Act as a point person for elected division and relay issues and pertinent information using the MAEA procedure for emailing.
  • Attend (virtually or in-person) monthly board meetings and annual retreats.
  • Submit reports as needed to the shared Google Drive folder at least eight days prior to the scheduled Board meeting.
  • Review the reports in the shared Google Drive folder prior to the scheduled Board meeting.
  • Attend MAEA sponsored events, conferences, exhibitions, and/or activities.
  • Author or solicit at least three articles per year for the MAEA News (digital publication).
  • Chair or actively participate in at least one MAEA committee.
  • Review policy and procedures, and make recommendations for inclusion in the Policy Manual as in the best interest of the Association and its members.

Awards Committee Chair and Exhibitions Committee Chair
Candidate must be able to perform the following:

  • Act as a point person for the committee and relay pertinent information to the board.
  • Attend monthly board meetings either virtually or in person, if unable to attend notify the secretary as soon as possible.
  • Hold committee meetings, and document work via committee meeting template. Monthly meetings are suggested.
  • Submit a report via report template with highlighted action items as needed to the secretary at least eight days prior to the scheduled meeting. In addition to action items, reports should include committee accomplishments and future plans. 
  • Work with committee to reference, review, and update Policy Manual including procedures, timelines, and guidelines. Any changes to procedures and policies must be brought to the board for approval prior to implementation. These plans and actions must be in conformance with the overall strategic plans formulated by the Board of Directors.
  • With the assistance of the committee, submit an annual projected budget for approval by November for the following fiscal year (January 1).
  • Author or solicit from at least one article per year for the MAEA Newsletter.
  • Work toward advancing the mission of the Association.

Candidate must be able to perform the following:

  • Work with MAEA Board of Directors to maintain MAEA website. 
  • Review and correct links that aren’t working and pictures that aren’t appearing properly.
  • Examine and analyze site traffic.
  • Regulate and manage access rights of different MAEA website users.
  • Work with the PR committee to solicit content from the board, and support the board in updating that content. 
  • Update membership emails/contacts in Constant Contact and email.
  • Submit reports as needed to the Secretary at least eight days prior to the scheduled meeting.
  • Work toward advancing the mission of the Association.
  • Chair or actively participate in the Public Relations Committee. 
  • Review policy and procedures, and make recommendations for inclusion in the Policy Manual as in the best interest of the Association and its members.
Interested in becoming more involved, but aren’t ready to take the plunge into an official board position? Consider joining one of our active committees like awardsconference, youth art monthpublic relationsstudent recognitionsexhibitions, or professional development. Committees typically meet monthly via Zoom.

Seeking ED&I Director-Elect

MAEA is seeking to fill the position of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Director-Elect. The ED&I Director-Elect will serve now – December 31, 2022 which transitions to a two year term as ED&I Director. Please see below for more information about both positions. 

As an organization, we are following the lead of the NAEA in creating an ED&I Committee and Directorship in order to take full responsibility for developing a unified sense of community concerning equity, diversity, and inclusion across our association. 

If you are interested in the ED&I Director-elect position please submit your resume and/or CV and vision statement to Jaimee Taborda at The vision statement of 300 words or less should outline your leadership priorities and goals for the Equity, Diversity & Inclusion work within MAEA. If selected as a candidate, your vision statement will be featured on the MAEA website as well as the electronic ballot. The deadline for applying for this position is May 23, 2021.

ED&I Director-Elect Responsibilities

Director-Elect is expected to attend all MAEA Board meetings either physically or virtually unless pre-arrangements have been made. In the event of an anticipated absence, the Secretary should be notified as soon as possible. Excessive absences may serve as cause for removal from the Board of Directors.

Such responsibilities and duties shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

  • Serve as chair for the ED&I committee. 
  • Act as a point person for the committee and relay pertinent information to the board.
  • Attend monthly board meetings either virtually or in person, if unable to attend notify the secretary as soon as possible.
  • Hold committee meetings, and document work via committee meeting template. Monthly meetings are suggested.
  • Submit a report via report template with highlighted action items as needed to the secretary at least eight days prior to the scheduled meeting. In addition to action items, reports should include committee accomplishments and future plans. 
  • Work with the committee to reference, review, and update Policy Manual including procedures, timelines, and guidelines. Any changes to procedures and policies must be brought to the board for approval prior to implementation. These plans and actions must be in conformance with the overall strategic plans formulated by the Board of Directors.
  • With the assistance of the committee, submit an annual projected budget for approval by November for the following fiscal year (January 1).
  • Author or solicit from at least one article per year for the MAEA Newsletter.
  • Work toward advancing the mission of the Association.
  • Collaborate with the ED&I Director to advance ED&I initiatives.
  • Coordinate with the ED&I Director to aid in a smooth transition to the directorship.

Mission of the MAEA Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (ED&I) Committee

The Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee (ED&I) promotes, advocates, and creates opportunities for equity, diversity, and inclusiveness in the practice of art education. 

ED&I Committee Responsibilities/Goals 

When the committee is formed, they will evaluate and assess the recommendations from the MAEA ED&I Task Force and clearly define the goals and responsibilities of the committee.

ED&I Director Responsibilities 

The ED&I Director serves as a member of the Executive Committee. The officers of the Executive Committee are expected to attend all MAEA Board meetings either physically or virtually unless pre-arrangements have been made. In a time-sensitive circumstance in which a discussion and vote cannot wait until the next regularly scheduled board meeting, the Executive Committee officers are granted the power to make a decision on behalf of the Board of Directors. In such circumstances, every effort will first be made to inform the Board of Directors. 

Such responsibilities and duties shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

  • Provide visionary and strategic leadership for the organization.
  • Attend monthly board meetings either virtually or in person, if unable to attend notify the secretary as soon as possible.
  • Collaborate with the Board of Directors to develop the policies and direction of the organization.
  • Provide adequate and timely information to the Board of Directors to enable it to effectively execute its role.
  • Manage ED&I budget and report annually to the Treasurer.
  • With the assistance of the Director-Elect, submit an annual projected budget for approval by November for the following fiscal year (January 1).
  • Review policy and make recommendations for inclusion in the Policy Manual as in the best interest of the Association and its members.
  • May speak to the press and other interested parties on behalf of the organization.
  • Collaborate with the ED&I Director-Elect and committee to advance ED&I initiatives.
  • Coordinate with the ED&I Director-Elect to aid in a smooth transition to the directorship.

The Virtual MAEA Recognitions Exhibit is Live!

Congratulations to all of the artists with work in the exhibit!

You can view the whole exhibit by visiting the virtual gallery on ArtCall.

Please also take a moment to check out the 27 award winners on the MAEA website. 

Thank you to all of the educators who worked hard to make this virtual exhibit happen and to our sponsors, Davis Publications and the Worcester Art Museum.

MAEA Recognitions Committee 
Helen Downey, Former K-12 Curriculum Coordinator, Marlborough Public Schools; MAEA Treasurer
Laura Howick, Director of Education, Fitchburg Art Museum
Anne Kress, Retired Art Educator, Acton-Boxborough Regional Schools
Kathleen Flynn, Waltham High School
Brenna Johnson, Franklin High School
Rebecca Kostich, Groton-Dunstable Regional HIgh School
Constance Moore, Winthrop High School
DIana Adams Woodruff, Former Visual Arts Director K-12, Acton-Boxborough Regional Schools; Recognitions Committee Chair


Huge congrats to MAEA Members Ralph Caouette, Sara Egan, and Kristi Oliver who were honored at the National Art Education Association National Convention, which was held virtually this year. The award ceremonies were held on Saturday Feb 27, 2021. 

Ralph was awarded the 2021 MacArthur Goodwin Award for Distinguished Service Within the Profession. Sara was awarded the 2021 Eastern Region Museum Education Art Educator. Kristi was awarded the 2020 Eastern Region Outstanding Art Educator, and was celebrated this year due to the cancellation of the convention in 2020.

Ann Villarreal, 2021 MAEA Art Educator of the Year was also celebrated at the national level!

Congratulations to all of the national, regional, and state award winners.

MAEA Award nominations are due May 15, 2021.  Learn more and nominate someone today.

National and Regional Award nominations are due October 1, 2021.  Learn more.

Art Education Zoom Series – March Session

Focus for March: Connect, Create, Collab
Connect, Create, Collab – The goal of this session is to provide a space for arts educators who would like to take part in creating artwork together virtually. Connect, Create, Collab, is an opportunity for artmaking and informal art sharing facilitated by the conference committee chair Shannon Carey and MAEA Art Educator of the Year Ann Villarreal. There will also be time during the session to connect with other arts educators as well as engage collaboratively in conversation. At the conclusion of the session there will be time to share the artwork you have created during this session, or previously during the time span of the pandemic.

Date: Friday, March 12
Time: 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. ET
Where: Zoom (Link will be provided after sign-up via email).

An Important Message from MAEA Advocacy Liaison, Alice Gentili

Hello friends and colleagues! 

I’m reaching out to you today to introduce you to a new national campaign in support of arts education for all students. The Arts Are Education campaign addresses three timely concerns during the current season of budget creation in a most unusual time when Massachusetts schools are facing:

Budget shortfalls due to state and local budget deficits caused by the pandemic recession.

A focus on remediation for pandemic learning loss, potentially leading to limited access to arts education for students who are behind. 

A continued need for personal protective and sanitization equipment unique to the visual art classroom to mitigate viral spread.

Here‘s what you can do today:

MAEA News – Spring 2021 Edition Out Now!

The spring 2021 edition of the MAEA News is out now. In this issue you’ll find the President’s Message from Melissa Mastrolia, as well as articles and updates from Editor Jane McKeag, Elizabeth Buck, Ralph Caouette, Billy Claire, Lydia Gruner, Doug Johnson, John Nordell, Margaurita Spear, and Cathy Weisman Topal. Check it out today.

A huge thanks to everyone who submitted articles/updates to this edition of the MAEA News.

Articles and submissions for the next edition of the MAEA News are due June 25, 2021. Learn more about submitting an article.