Category: Opportunities

Image Courtesy the MFA, Boston

Upcoming MFA In-Person Workshops

Save the dates for two more in-person workshops at the MFA

Muslim Empires in the Age of Steam and Print

Saturday, March 2 – In partnership with Primary Source, join the MFA to explore the histories, legacies, and artistic contributions of global Muslim communities in the age of empire, steam, and print using a range of objects in the Museum’s collection. Recommended for teachers of high school students. $150 fee, and PDPs are available through Primary Source. Special pricing for public schools in Boston and Lawrence. Register and more information here

Approaches to Multimodal Engagement with Contemporary Art: Fashion and Jewelry

Thursday, May 2 – Join the MFA in person in the exhibition “Dress Up” for Approaches to Multimodal Engagement with Modern and Contemporary Art: Fashion and Jewelry. Free! Register and more information here.

All workshops are open to teachers of all grades and subjects and are free unless otherwise noted.  

Video Playlist for Educators
Screenshot of Zoom presentation depicting Mural Project mural, with inset of artist Rob Gibbs

Catch up on the MFA’s free content for educators on our MFA Educator Workshops playlist on YouTube. Find recordings of artist talks, workshops, and panel discussions relevant to your classroom.

**If you didn’t receive the MFA’s email for teachers and would like to you can sign up here.  Select K-12. This enews for teachers is typically sent out about 7 times a year. 


MAEA Recognitions Exhibit Logo

MAEA Recognitions Virtual Exhibit for 2024

The MAEA Recognitions Virtual Exhibit is accepting submissions now through January 24, 2024. This juried exhibit is open to students in grades 9-12. Teachers submitting work must be MAEA members. Check out the exhibit deadline and schedule below and visit the Recognitions Exhibit page for everything you need to know.

Recognitions Submissions Schedule for 2024:

  1. Eligibility for submission: Artwork that has not previously been submitted to MAEA Recognitions.
  2. Artwork accompanied by an artist statement, submitted digitally via ArtCall Open: December 5, 2023 through January 24, 2024
  3. Jurying process: January 26 – February 10, 2024.
  4. Notifications of acceptance by February 14, 2024.
  5. Online exhibit posted to MAEA website by March 18, 2024.  


Inclusion and Anti-Racism Consultant for MFA Learning Programs

Join a small team of K-12 educators who serve as MFA Art Finders Consultants for the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston’s Learning Programs. Support the centering of students and the use of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access frameworks by (1) advising on the creation of MFA Art Finders digital resources and (2) facilitating on-going trainings connected to inclusion, anti-racism, and anti-bias for volunteer tour guides of school and college groups. 3-5 hours per week, primarily remote, $60 – $100/hour.

Applicants are welcome from all grade levels, disciplines, and roles. As we amplify our efforts toward becoming a truly inclusive institution, ensuring that diversity, equity, and access are lived values, the MFA actively encourages educators from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds in museums to apply.

For additional details about the role, watch the recorded information session with the existing team of MFA Art Finders Consultants and view the information session slides.

Applications due Monday, November 21, 5 pm. Learn more and apply

2024 Youth Art Month Flag Contest – Check out this opportunity


This year’s this theme for YAM and the Flag Contest this year is “DREAM IN ART”

  • The flag contest is open to all students in grades K-12.
  • Each teacher may submit up to 20 student entries.
  • Grand Prize of $200 art supply gift card for winning student. PLUS $100 art supply gift card for your classroom. And to top it off, the grand prize work will be displayed at NAEA’s national convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota!
  • In addition, $100 art supply gift cards will be awarded to one student winner in grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12. PLUS an additional $100 art supply gift card for the winning students’ classrooms.
  • Digital entries will be accepted December 4, 2023 – January 12, 2024.
  • Click here for the Youth Art Month Flag Contest Submission Form.
    Please note you must be signed into a Google Account to access this form due to the file upload settings. If you have trouble submitting the form at school please try at home. Your school/districts internet settings may see this form as an issue. If you try it at home and you still have trouble submitting this form, please reach out to for assistance.

Read more about the submission requirements here. 

Are you seeking to connect with others like you in your new arts teaching career?

Then great news! You can now join a community of peers and receive support in this FREE opportunity!

Through a contract from the MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), Arts|Learning is connecting up to 80 arts teachers across Massachusetts who identify as novice-level in their careers with ten experienced arts-education mentors for this professional development opportunity. Eligible educators include: Music, theatre, dance, visual arts, media arts educators; Other subject-area educators who teach at least one arts-based course (e.g. ELA teacher with a theatre class).

New arts educators from across Massachusetts will have the opportunity to advance their skills in curriculum and instruction and receive support for the specific challenges visual and performing arts teachers face. This is a DESE-approved, free induction and mentoring program, and fulfills 25 hours of new teacher induction and mentoring program requirements as found in DESE’s 2015 Guidelines for Induction and Mentoring Programs

Call For Mentees

Enroll now!
Please fill out the Mentee Registration Form.
For additional information, Please click here.

Arts|Learning invites all arts educators who identify as novice-level in their careers to join a free community of peers and mentors to support high-quality arts programming and strengthen their impact through reflective practice. Learn more here.

Seeking Art Teacher Facilitators for Hands-on Artmaking Workshops

The MAEA Professional Development Committee is currently seeking art teacher facilitators to lead online hands-on artmaking workshops for Spring 2024 (January – June). These 2-hour workshops are offered once to twice a month, typically one weeknight and one Saturday of the same workshop. Facilitators receive an honorarium of $60 per workshop. See the example list of topics from last spring below.

Spring 2023 Hands-On Workshop Topics:

  • Unbound Bookmaking
  • Sculpting with Model Magic
  • Dimensional Needle Felting
  • GelliArts Workshop: Explore Mono-printing with a Gelatin Plate
  • Whimsical Animal Weaving
  • Art Journals & Urban Sketching

If you are interested please email our PD Committee Chair, Margaurita Spear, at Remember, we are only as amazing as our members and we rely on your support to offer these programs.

Call for Articles – MAEA News

The deadline for the conference edition of the MAEA News is February 3, 2023.
Share your take aways or what you presented on from the 2022 MAEA conference; or what you are looking forward to at the 2023 NAEA Convention in April.
If you are interested in contributing an article, check out submission guidelines here. Be sure to email to submit your article or to discuss article ideas. Please remember to include a signed Artwork Release form and a Photo Release form, as needed.

Check out the most recent edition of the MAEA News.

Student Exhibit Opportunity

The International Fiber Collaborative has two local exhibit opportunities. IFC will ship canvases to those who sign up. Contact them directly here or via email

Springfield Armory National Historic Site, MA, Exhibit 5
May 1 – June 30, 2023
Theme: What does “progress” mean to you?
At Springfield Armory National Historic Site, we often think of “progress” in the terms of technological innovation, craft production to interchangeability, iron to steel, and water power to electricity.
Postmark Due Date: Friday, March 17, 2023
Past exhibits: Exhibit 4Exhibit 3

Salem Maritime National Historic Site, MA, Exhibit 5
July 1 – August 31, 2023
Theme: Commemoration of America 250 – the Revolutionary War, Read More
Postmark Due Date: Friday, May 19, 2023
Past exhibits: Exhibit 2Exhibit 3

Youth Art Month: Statewide Virtual Exhibit Registration Now Open

March is Youth Art Month – We know many of you participate in celebrating the arts at a local or regional level. Please consider also participating and sharing your students’ work on a state-wide level. Being virtual, this show can be shared with students’ families and friends across the country or even the world!  We are hoping to make this year’s exhibit bigger and better than ever, and we need you! The deadline to register for this exhibit is January 20, 2023. Please read through the submission guidelines for everything you need to know about registering and submitting your student work to the virtual exhibit.

One way to join in on the Youth Art Month fun is by participating in the Statewide Youth Art Month Virtual exhibit! Join teachers from across the state as they celebrate the amazing work of their students.

All participating teachers for the Statewide Youth Art Month exhibit must register. Registration for the Statewide Youth Art Month Exhibit is free for MAEA members | Non-members pay $7.  Registration closes January 20, 2023.

Find more information and register for the Statewide Youth Art Month exhibit here.

MAEA Recognitions Exhibit Logo

Recognitions Exhibit Opens December 6

  • Open to grade 9-12 art students of MAEA members
  • Up to 5 student entries per art teacher, only 1 entry per student
  • Individual student work only, collaborative pieces will not be accepted
  • No size limits to actual artwork
  • Artwork must not been previously submitted to MAEA Recognitions
  • Artwork must be accompanied by an artist statement (maximum of 400 characters)
  • Teachers should register and submit their student work here starting December 6.
  • Student work should be photographed and saved as jpegs.
    • Submit 1 photo for 2D work and up to 2 photos for 3D work.
    • Minimum image 540 pixels. Maximum 1920 pixels.
    • Submit 2D size: height x width. Submit 3D size: height x width x depth.
  • Teachers must submit student’s artwork with​ its accompanying artist statement.
    • Artist Statement: 400 characters maximum.

All artwork must be original, created by the student. It must not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of any other individual or entity​.​ The Massachusetts Art Education Association maintains the right to determine which works of art are appropriate for this exhibit. Any subject matter that is highly controversial, items, symbols, or themes that may represent racism, prejudice, profanity, or are of a violent or lewd nature are not appropriate for this exhibit.

Learn more about the exhibit opportunity here, including details about the financial hardship waiver.