
Are you seeking to connect with others like you in your new arts teaching career?

Then great news! You can now join a community of peers and receive support in this FREE opportunity!

Through a contract from the MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), Arts|Learning is connecting up to 80 arts teachers across Massachusetts who identify as novice-level in their careers with ten experienced arts-education mentors for this professional development opportunity. Eligible educators include: Music, theatre, dance, visual arts, media arts educators; Other subject-area educators who teach at least one arts-based course (e.g. ELA teacher with a theatre class).

New arts educators from across Massachusetts will have the opportunity to advance their skills in curriculum and instruction and receive support for the specific challenges visual and performing arts teachers face. This is a DESE-approved, free induction and mentoring program, and fulfills 25 hours of new teacher induction and mentoring program requirements as found in DESE’s 2015 Guidelines for Induction and Mentoring Programs

Call For Mentees

Enroll now!
Please fill out the Mentee Registration Form.
For additional information, Please click here.

Arts|Learning invites all arts educators who identify as novice-level in their careers to join a free community of peers and mentors to support high-quality arts programming and strengthen their impact through reflective practice. Learn more here.

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