Our PD Committee Chair Margaurita Spear has been working hard to put together more hands-on workshop offerings for this spring.
The April offering has just been finalized! Puppet Palooza on April 12 at 9:00 am on Zoom with Ali Boudreau.
MAEA and NAEA members can register at a discounted price of $12 for each workshop. Learn more and register here. You can also register now for the May offering, Comics as Reflective Practice on May 10 with Rachel Branham. The June offering will be shared soon!
Each registrant will receive a certificate of attendance upon completion of the individual workshop. If you attend a total of 5 unique workshops (10 hours), you can submit a request for a PDP certificate.
Have an idea for your own hands-on offering? Reach out to Margaurita (pd@massarted.com) or submit a proposal today.
Margaurita is also interested in co-chairing the PD Committee – connect with her today to learn more about how that might work. Or visit our Join the Board page website to learn a bit more about the position.