Arts Learning 34th Annual Champions of Arts Education Advocacy Awards

The 34th Annual Arts Learning Champions of Arts Education Advocacy Awards are a little more than 3 weeks away. This year’s event will be live AND Live-streamed!

Arts educators and advocates being celebrated are Diana Adams Woodruff, Senator Harriette L. Chandler, Lisa Donovan, Representative Carole Fiola, Alexandra Gelles Etscovitz, Julie Jaron, and Emily Ruddock.

Champions of Arts Education Advocacy Awards Ceremony will take place November 17 at Old Sturbridge Village Visitors Center Theatre.


Proof of vaccinations required.
Masks must be worn indoors.

6:30 p.m. – Reception for guests and honorees
7:30 p.m. – Ceremony

For 34 years we have recognized arts educators, administrators and policy makers who advocate for and support arts education in our Commonwealth.

Fall/Winter MAEA News

In this issue you’ll find the President’s Message from Melissa Mastrolia, as well as articles and updates from Editor Jane McKeag, Billy Claire, Lydia Gruner, Maura Jereb, Emily Moran, Margaurita Spear, and Emily Valenza.
Thank you to everyone who submitted articles and updates for this edition of the publication!
Learn more about submitting on our website or email Jane McKeag at if you have any questions or would like her to walk you through the process.

Congratulations Emily Ruddock

The Arts|Learning Good Neighbor Award is awarded to organizations or individuals who have gone out of their way to offer logistical, technical, moral, or financial support for arts education to thrive in their community.

As Executive director of MASSCreative, Emily Ruddock brings 15 years of experience in strategic and management positions for non-profit arts organizations. Before joining MASSCreative in 2017, Ms. Ruddock was the first director of the City of Lynn’s Downtown Cultural District, and the artistic producer at Merrimack Repertory Theatre (MRT)
As director of Lynn’s Downtown Cultural District, Ms. Ruddock was highly regarded by city officials and local arts leaders for her leadership in coordinating arts and cultural organizations for neighborhood revitalization and economic development. Ms.Ruddock worked with elected city and state officials on a range of projects to promote downtown Lynn and the arts community, including drafting legislation establishing the city’s first Public Art Commission. She also organized and executed free public events featuring local arts and community groups.
Ms. Ruddock is a proud member of the Mass Nonprofit Network’s Board of Directors. She is a potter who loves making original ceramic art and functional ware for her home, her family and her friends. She holds a Masters in Public Administration from the Maxwell School at Syracuse University and a Bachelor’s Degree in Critical Social Thought from Mount Holyoke College.
We honor Emily Ruddock for her work advocating for a “Commonwealth of Massachusetts where arts, culture, and creativity are an expected, well-funded and valued part of everyday life, recognized for their significant impact on building civic engagement and economically vibrant, equitable communities.”

The 34th Annual Champions of Arts Education Advocacy Awards Celebration will be held on November 17th at Old Sturbridge Village, 1 Old Sturbridge Village Road, Sturbridge, MA 01566

This year’s event will be live AND livestreamed! Stay tuned for more information about this event.

Congratulations Julie Jaron

The Arts|Learning  Excellence in School Administration award honors a school administrator for exemplary support for, and commitment to high-quality arts education programs, leadership in promoting arts education and building community support. The recipient is an active advocate for the arts and shows outstanding leadership and rapport with students, teachers, parents, and the community.

Julie Jaron is the Director of Visual and Performing Arts for the Springfield Public Schools. For over thirty-five years Ms. Jaron has dedicated herself to a full spectrum of music and arts programming that supports and promotes the academic achievements of students Pre-K – 12.
Ms. Jaron provides professional support to arts teachers, advocates for and manages budgets and resources for arts programming, serves as an arts-focused liaison between the school district, the Springfield community and beyond, fosters the design and implementation of high-quality curricula benefiting students’ arts education, and facilitates professional development that enhances or develops arts instruction, curricula and assessment.
One of the greatest successes during Ms. Jaron’s tenure as Director of Visual & Performing Arts has been the institution of visual art and music programs at all Springfield Public Schools, K-12. With this resounding achievement, SPS arts curricula continues to evolve so that all students can artistically express who they are, where they come from, and what’s important to them in a supportive academic environment.
At the core of all Julie Jaron’s work is the desire to inspire and create equitable arts education opportunities, provide culturally responsive, relevant, and meaningful arts experiences, and to empower all educators to instill in children the love of learning both in and through the arts.

The 34th Annual Champions of Arts Education Advocacy Awards Celebration will be held on November 17th at Old Sturbridge Village, 1 Old Sturbridge Village Road, Sturbridge, MA 01566

This year’s event will be live AND livestreamed! Stay tuned for more information about this event.

Join the Board – Open Positions

Board membership is on a voluntary basis and members are appointed to a two-year term. This working board meets monthly. Minimal time is required outside of the regular meetings to execute specific tasks as delegated during board meetings, or to participate in extra initiatives around program development, community engagement, and strategic planning. 

Interested candidates should submit their resume or CV/letter of intent to

Secondary Division Director, Retired Representative and Community Arts Representative:
Candidate must be able to perform the following:

  • Act as a point person for elected division and relay issues and pertinent information using the MAEA procedure for emailing.
  • Attend (virtually or in-person) monthly board meetings and annual retreats.
  • Submit reports as needed to the shared Google Drive folder at least eight days prior to the scheduled Board meeting.
  • Review the reports in the shared Google Drive folder prior to the scheduled Board meeting.
  • Attend MAEA sponsored events, conferences, exhibitions, and/or activities.
  • Author or solicit at least three articles per year for the MAEA News (digital publication).
  • Chair or actively participate in at least one MAEA committee.
  • Review policy and procedures, and make recommendations for inclusion in the Policy Manual as in the best interest of the Association and its members.

Awards Committee and Exhibitions Committee:
Candidate must be able to perform the following:

  • Act as a point person for the committee and relay pertinent information to the board.
  • Attend monthly board meetings either virtually or in person, if unable to attend notify the secretary as soon as possible.
  • Hold committee meetings, and document work via committee meeting template. Monthly meetings are suggested.
  • Submit a report via report template with highlighted action items as needed to the secretary at least eight days prior to the scheduled meeting. In addition to action items, reports should include committee accomplishments and future plans. 
  • Work with committee to reference, review, and update Policy Manual including procedures, timelines, and guidelines. Any changes to procedures and policies must be brought to the board for approval prior to implementation. These plans and actions must be in conformance with the overall strategic plans formulated by the Board of Directors.
  • With the assistance of the committee, submit an annual projected budget for approval by November for the following fiscal year (January 1).
  • Author or solicit from at least one article per year for the MAEA Newsletter.
  • Work toward advancing the mission of the Association.
  • Work with other committee chairs to coordinate efforts.

Candidate must be able to perform the following:

  • Work with MAEA Board of Directors to maintain MAEA website. 
  • Review and correct links that aren’t working and pictures that aren’t appearing properly.
  • Examine and analyze site traffic.
  • Regulate and manage access rights of different MAEA website users.
  • Work with the PR committee to solicit content from the board, and support the board in updating that content. 
  • Update membership emails/contacts in Constant Contact and email.
  • Submit reports as needed to the Secretary at least eight days prior to the scheduled meeting.
  • Work toward advancing the mission of the Association.
  • Chair or actively participate in the Public Relations Committee. 
  • Review policy and procedures, and make recommendations for inclusion in the Policy Manual as in the best interest of the Association and its members.

Advocacy Liaison
Candidate must be able to perform the following:

  • Liaise with other Arts organizations, such as Arts Learning, MassCreative, DESE Arts Leaders, and Arts for All.
  • Submit reports as needed to the Secretary at least eight days prior to the scheduled meeting.
  • Author or solicit at least one article focusing on advocacy per year for the MAEA News (digital publication).
  • Work toward advancing the mission of the Association.

Publications Editor
Candidate must be able to perform the following:

  • Put out a digital publication of the MAEA News three times a year using InDesign. 
  • Edit article submissions (Google Docs) and format (InDesign) the MAEA News for publication.
  • Work with member of the PR Committee to review/edit spelling/grammar of articles as they are submitted via Google Drive and Google Docs. 
  • Notify the MAEA Board when articles are due. 
  • Review submission packets to make sure they are complete (Article, Images, Permission Paperwork).
  • Read and respond to emails sent to
  • Keep submissions organized in MAEA Google Drive.
  • Communicate with organizations and institutions regarding advertisements for the MAEA News.
  • Work with the Public Relations Committee to review and revise policies related to the MAEA News.
    More information re: MAEA News:
Interested in becoming more involved, but aren’t ready to take the plunge into an official board position? Consider joining one of our active committees like awardsconference, youth art monthpublic relationsstudent recognitionsexhibitions, or professional development. Committees typically meet monthly via Zoom.

2021 MAEA Keynote Announcement – Cindy Meyers Foley

We are so happy to announce that Cindy Meyers Foley is our Sunday keynote for the virtual MAEA Conference happening this November. MAEA members can register today at the early bird rate! We do also offer non-member and student/retired rates. Learn more and register by visiting our conference registration page.

Cindy Meyers Foley is the Executive Deputy Director for Learning and Experience at the Columbus Museum of Art. She envisioned and led the charge to open the 18,000 sq. ft. Center for Creativity in 2011. In 2013, the museum received the National Medal for Museums in recognition of this work. Foley co-authored a chapter for The Manual for Museum Learning, 2015 as well as guest edited and wrote chapters for Intentionality and the Twenty-First-Century Museum, for the 2014 Journal of Museum Education. Foley has been on the faculty of the Harvard Project Zero Classroom Summer Institute and regularly keynotes a variety of Museum, Art, and Education Conferences. In November 2014, she was a TEDX Columbus Speaker presenting Teaching Art or Teaching to Think like an Artist and in 2016, she was asked to again take the TEDX Stage to present The Benefits of Boredom. Foley received the 2018 Ohio Distinguished Educator for Art Education award.

2021 MAEA Keynote Announcement – Chanel Thervil

We are so happy to announce that Chanel Thervil is our Saturday keynote for the virtual MAEA Conference happening this November. MAEA members can register today at the early bird rate! We do also offer non-member and student/retired rates. Learn more and register by visiting our conference registration page.

Chanel Thervil is a Haitian American artist and educator that uses varying combinations of abstraction and portraiture to convene communal dialogue around culture, social issues, and existential questions. At the core of her practice lies a desire to empower and inspire tenderness and healing among communities of color through the arts. She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting from Pace University and a Master’s Degree in Art Education from Massachusetts College of Art and Design. She’s been making a splash in Boston via her educational collaborations, public art, and residencies with institutions like The Museum of Fine Arts, The Boston Children’s Museum, The DeCordova Museum, The Harvard Ed Portal, and Google. Her work has been featured by PBS Kids, The Boston Globe, The Boston Herald, The Bay State Banner, WBUR’s ARTery, WGBH, and Hyperallergic. Find out more by visiting her website

Congratulations Alexandra Gelles Etscovitz

The Arts|Learning Distinguished Arts Educator Advocate Award recognizes arts educators in music, dance, theater, and the visual arts who demonstrate leadership and excellence in teaching and the development of model arts programs and partnerships. These outstanding educators use the arts and cultural resources to support opportunities for multicultural learning and interdisciplinary planning, and to further the role of the arts in education.


The Feldman Award is being given to two educators this year. The second art educator we are celebrating is Alexandra Gelles Etscovitz.

Alexandra loves being an art teacher. Alexandra has been teaching visual art for 18 years at Memorial Spaulding Elementary School in Newton, Massachusetts. Her passion for allowing children to express themselves, interpret, reflect and understand the world around them through creative expression has driven her to both teach art and act as an arts integration champion for all content areas and best practices. Alexandra instructs visual art in Needham with her after-school business
Art4YourChild, along with being an adjunct professor at her alma mater Brandeis University, teaching creativity in the masters of education program for classroom teachers. Alexandra was named the Massachusetts Elementary Art Educator of Year in 2019.
Alexandra appreciates teaching children during such a formative time in life, where possibilities are endless. Her goal is to infuse art and creativity in every area of learning and growth. Her experience with children has led her to a strong core philosophy that the world needs creativity as a means to understand the ever-changing world around us. The studio habits of the arts allow children to grow into thinkers, creators and changemakers that the world needs. With this knowledge, Alexandra hopes to cultivate a love for the arts with all students for a deeper connection to themselves, their community and the world.

The 34th Annual Champions of Arts Education Advocacy Awards Celebration will be held on November 17th at Old Sturbridge Village, 1 Old Sturbridge Village Road, Sturbridge, MA 01566

This year’s event will be live AND livestreamed! Stay tuned for more information about this event.

Congratulations to Diana Adams Woodruff

The Arts|Learning Distinguished Arts Educator Advocate Award recognizes arts educators in music, dance, theater, and the visual arts who demonstrate leadership and excellence in teaching and the development of model arts programs and partnerships. These outstanding educators use the arts and cultural resources to support opportunities for multicultural learning and interdisciplinary planning, and to further the role of the arts in education.


The Feldman Award is being given to two educators this year. The first we are celebrating is Diana Adams Woodruff.

Diana was the K-12 Visual Arts Director for the Acton-Boxborough Regional School District for 22 years. She is presently a Program Supervisor for Teacher Candidates at Massachusetts College of Art and Design.

Diana was a member of the NAEA Visual Arts Standards Committee that developed the Model Cornerstone Assessments and was a reviewer for the recently revised Massachusetts Visual Arts Standards. She serves on the board of the Massachusetts Art Education Association, presently as Chair of the Recognitions Committee, developing and piloting that juried exhibit for high school students. Diana also serves on the Art All-State Steering Committee and served on the Massachusetts Scholastics Advisory Board.

Diana was a member of the NAEA Research Delegations to India, Myanmar, Finland, Cuba, and Poland. Her artwork has been included in faculty shows at the Worcester Art Museum, exhibits of work by Massachusetts Art Educators at the State Transportation Building in Boston, as well as the Davis Gallery in Worcester, the NAEA Members’ Annual Exhibit in Virginia, the Greek Institute, Cambridge, and Island Center for the Arts, Skopelos, Greece.

Diana won several NASA Teacher Grants to work with other educators to make connections among science and math as well as the arts. A painting with a space fight theme, gifted to Diana by a student in Moscow, was included in the artifacts flown on Atlantis STS-71, the first docking mission with the Russian space station Mir.


The 34th Annual Champions of Arts Education Advocacy Awards Celebration will be held on November 17th at Old Sturbridge Village, 1 Old Sturbridge Village Road, Sturbridge, MA 01566

This year’s event will be live AND livestreamed! Stay tuned for more information about this event.