NAHS Exhibit – State Transportation Building

MAEA is continuing the series of art education exhibitions in the second floor atrium and gallery space at the State Transportation Building in Boston. Massachusetts art educators that act as National Art Honor Society or National Junior Art Honor Society chapter sponsors are invited to submit their NAHS/NJAHS student work for this annual exhibit.

Exhibition Dates and Location:    Monday, April 8 – Thursday, May 16, 2019
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday – Friday (Closed Holidays & Weekends)
2nd Floor Atrium Gallery, Massachusetts State Transportation Building, Boston

The exhibit includes work from NAHS chapter sponsor Heidi Hurley at Braintree High School, NAHS chapter sponsor Jaime Lynch at Fairhaven High School, NAHS chapter sponsor Amy Edson at Franklin High School, NAHS chapter sponsor Rebecca Kostich at Groton-Dunstable Regional High School, NAHS chapter sponsor Tamera Burns at Manchester Essex Regional High School, NAHS chapter sponsor Marcia Anzalone at Milford High School, NAHS chapter sponsor Bernadette Waystack at Monomoy Regional High School, NAHS chapter sponsor June Krinsky-Rudder at Revere High School, NAHS chapter sponsor Jessica Howard at Somerville High School, & NAHS chapter sponsor Maureen Senn-McNally at South Hadley High School.

Participating students:
Braintree High School – Alicia Zawadzki, Bridget Hines, Jasmine Leong, Kelly McDermott, Sydney White
Fairhaven High School – Aline Sarkis, April Blaszies, Ashley Hiller, Athena Xifaras, Erinn Costa, Frances Desrosers, Natalie Renehan, Olivia Maciel, Sam Horsfall, Samantha Hathaway
Franklin High School – Jen Burkinshaw, Kiera Cacioppo, P. Whateley, Ryan DePaolo
Groton-Dunstable Regional High School – Jai Santoro, Jessie Wang, Jun Min Park, Lara Stecewycz
Manchester Essex Regional High School – Abby Thomas, Amelia Laino, Bella Lilly, Brianna Pappas, Emma Dizio, Genevieve Young, Lucas Zellman, Natasha Braase, Olivia Renzi, Spencer Meek
Milford High School – Emily Chapman, Malcolm Zale
Monomoy Regional High School – Abigail Higgins, Caitlyn Daley, Caroline Howard, Hannah Marty, Laura Brown, Lucy Owens, Rachel Cardillo
Revere High School – Alison Velez Polanco, Brayan Restrepo, Catie Woodbury, David Phan, Emily DeMauro, Kevin Henriquez, Naomi DeMauro, Truc Nguyen
Somerville High School – Helen Garcia Vasquez, Jack Viana, Jena Hunt, Julia Goncalves Do Amaral, Nadege Hans, Nikolas Protopapas, Tyler Gaffney
South Hadley High School – Bella Yee, Ellie Robitaille, Emma Schlegel, Naomi Grace-Decker

Arts Frameworks Roadshow – Review of Draft 2019 Arts Curriculum Frameworks

Don’t miss out on your chance to learn about the draft of the Massachusetts Arts Framework. The department will present an overview of the Framework, including key points of emphasis. There will also be an opportunity for participants to ask questions and provide feedback on the proposed revisions. If you can’t make one of the three upcoming events in person, attend the livestream on April 10

On February 12, 2019 the Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education approved the release of the draft 2019 Arts Curriculum Framework for public comment. It has been almost 20 years since the state’s arts standards were last revised in 1999, and the new draft makes several important changes. Specifically, it:

  • Recognizes media arts as a discipline alongside dance, music, theatre, and visual arts;
  • Utilizes a new organizational structure that
    • Is consistent across disciplines, supporting integration,
    • Integrates content from the 1999 framework’s Connections strand into the discipline-specific standards,
    • Includes standards for artistic practice aligned to the National Core Arts Standards;Provides more detailed learning expectations, with two-year instead of four-year grade spans.
  • Provides more detailed learning expectations, with two-year instead of four-year grade spans.
  • Adds guiding principles focused on engaging students and ensuring exposure to wider range of cultures and styles.

The Department wants to hear from you! Please review the draft and provide comments using this survey.

Email Craig Waterman with any questions.

Art All-State 2019: Tape Art Edition – Deadline Extended April 5!

Hello Teachers!

The application portal is now live for Art All-State 2019: Tape Art Edition! 
To nominate students, please CLICK HERE. Then, CLICK HERE for information on how to help students submit the application (please remember the self-portrait, it does not need to resemble their physical likeness, it can be symbolic) –  Gather the necessary information and materials then direct students to use this link to submit the application: *Please be sure to have all of the information ready before accessing the application! 

Here’s what you need to know (please read carefully):

  • The experiences are one-day, we have multiple options, individual students will attend one day/ one experience  
  • The dates are: Friday April 12th or April 26th at the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art in Amherst, MA and Saturday April 20th or Friday May 10th at the Worcester Art Museum. We will assign and confirm dates with students based on their availability. 
  • We have a limited amount of space, each date / session can only accommodate 40 students. The total amount of students we can accommodate is 160 students. AAS typically accepts 144, and has over 200 applicants. Please complete the materials by April 1st (or sooner) to ensure participation- we will schedule students on a first-come first-served basis until all of the slots are filled. 
  • The experience itself will be AAS inspired. Students will work collaboratively in groups of 8-10 and have an artist-teacher that will help facilitate the collaborative experiences. The day will begin with students engaging with artworks and then using the big ideas inspired by the museum collections/ art engagement to conceptualize and plan their collaborative, tape art installations– to be installed in actual museums! The materials for this will be tape art (not familiar? check out and can have sculptural elements. No prior drawing experience required, its a perfect medium for anyone! The tape art crew has been working with AAS for over 26 years and has many many years of working with students in school and museum settings- its going to be fun!! 
  • We will not be interviewing students so we are looking to YOU as their art teachers to really carefully select two students (in their junior year) from each school to participate. We are looking for students who are enthusiastic, eager to collaborate and who will fully participate in the day-long experience with an open heart and mind. Please take care in careful selection. 
  • Please CLICK HERE for detailed information regarding the student application. The self-portrait can be any conceptualization, it does not need to resemble the students physical likeness, it can represent the student in some way, and it can be conceptual as long as they can explain the intent or meaning of the work. We will be asking for a short description of the work. 
  • The per student cost will be $125 and will include all they need (including meals). Since the turn-around will be tight with applications due April 1st students will be able to return the consent forms either digitally ahead of time or via paper print-outs the morning of the events. Payment can also be submitted ahead of time or the morning of the event. As usual, we can only accept CHECKS or MONEY ORDERS as payment. We do NOT have a process for accepting credit cards. We also realize that for schools that are paying for the students to attend, this may not be enough time — we can work with individual schools on an as-needed basis, if you need an invoice please let us know ASAP and include the student names, dates/ locations attending and the full address and contact information of the school. Acceptance emails will go out every few days, and we are able to turn around invoices quickly. 

Sound like fun!?! Want to get more involved?? Volunteer (CLICK HERE) or… Become an AAS Artist-Teacher for the 2019 Tape Art Edition! (CLICK HERE) We are looking for willing artist-teachers (that’s you!!) to apply to be an AAS artist-teacher!  It would involve a two-hour online training (via zoom or similar platform), and you would work with the small groups of students to facilitate the experience. The training will include tape art methods, tips for facilitating collaborative art making, art engagement techniques and program details / schedules. You would pre-select the work you want to engage the students with ahead of time (the Carle has a coming of age graphic novel exhibit that is AWESOME for this!! And features an AAS artist Jarrett Kroczoska!) and work with small groups of students the day-of. We would provide lots of resources, continual mentoring and *** a brand new, hot off the press copy of Collaborative Tape Art: The Piktotape Method just released by Davis Publications! And, 15 PDPs. This is an amazing opportunity for professional development that’s fun, and provides lots of resources for you if you want to do something similar with your classes, school or community! 

Questions!?! Email us anytime! **Please note our new email address: We will also be posting when the applications open on our social media, please like and follow!

Best wishes,
Kristi Oliver, AAS Program Director and Sheldon Vigeant, Steering Committee Chair 

Statewide YAM & Recognitions Exhibit 2019

Once again the statewide Youth Art Month Exhibit and the MAEA Recognition Exhibit were a huge success! Thank you to all who participated.

The combined exhibits featured close to 1000 incredible works of art from across the state. We estimate that between 1200 and 1500 people attended the Family Day Celebration, not to mention the hundreds of visitors that walk through the building daily, stopping to admire the work.

If you are free on Saturday March 30, we’d love your help taking down the exhibits. Find all the details and sign up to help today!

The work will come down the end of this week and should be back at your drop off sites no later than April 5. Please contact the teacher at your drop off location to arrange pick up of your work.

Teachers who dropped off in Boston – We have a pick up day scheduled at the State Transportation Building on Saturday, April 6 from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm. Please contact us if this time does not work.  

Questions about either exhibit? Email our Youth Art Month Committee Chair Eleena Rioux at or our Recognitions Committee Chair Diana Woodruff at .
Message from Helen Downey
Past Youth Art Month Committee Chair
On a personal note, I want to thank everyone who has participated in the Statewide Youth Art Month Exhibit over the past five years. I have enjoyed chairing this important art advocacy event. I look forward to stepping back and handing the reigns over to Eleena Rioux. She will add some new and exciting ideas to the process! 

Helen Downey

NAHS/NJAHS Exhibit Opportunity – Deadline Extended to March 29

MAEA is continuing the series of art education exhibitions in the second floor atrium and gallery space at the State Transportation Building in Boston. Massachusetts art educators that act as National Art Honor Society or National Junior Art Honor Society chapter sponsors are invited to submit their NAHS/NJAHS student work for this annual exhibit.

Exhibition Dates and Location: Monday, April 8 – Thursday, May 16, 2019
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday – Friday (Closed Holidays & Weekends)
2nd Floor Atrium Gallery, Massachusetts State Transportation Building, Boston

Submission Deadline: Friday, March 29, 2019

  • We will accept electronic registration only. Complete the online registration form, including the proper label information for all the pieces you will be submitting.
  • Participants must be part of a registered NAHS/NJAHS chapter. 
  • Please limit submissions to one work per student. Students must be active members of the NAHS chapter, but there is no limit on the total number of participants from each chapter.

Learn more and submit artwork for the exhibit.

Art All-State 2019: Tape Art Edition!

Hello Teachers!

The application portal is now live for Art All-State 2019: Tape Art Edition! 
To nominate students, please CLICK HERE. Then, CLICK HERE for information on how to help students submit the application (please remember the self-portrait, it does not need to resemble their physical likeness, it can be symbolic) –  Gather the necessary information and materials then direct students to use this link to submit the application: *Please be sure to have all of the information ready before accessing the application! 

Here’s what you need to know (please read carefully):

  • The experiences are one-day, we have multiple options, individual students will attend one day/ one experience  
  • The dates are: Friday April 12th or April 26th at the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art in Amherst, MA and Saturday April 20th or Friday May 10th at the Worcester Art Museum. We will assign and confirm dates with students based on their availability. 
  • We have a limited amount of space, each date / session can only accommodate 40 students. The total amount of students we can accommodate is 160 students. AAS typically accepts 144, and has over 200 applicants. Please complete the materials by April 1st (or sooner) to ensure participation- we will schedule students on a first-come first-served basis until all of the slots are filled. 
  • The experience itself will be AAS inspired. Students will work collaboratively in groups of 8-10 and have an artist-teacher that will help facilitate the collaborative experiences. The day will begin with students engaging with artworks and then using the big ideas inspired by the museum collections/ art engagement to conceptualize and plan their collaborative, tape art installations– to be installed in actual museums! The materials for this will be tape art (not familiar? check out and can have sculptural elements. No prior drawing experience required, its a perfect medium for anyone! The tape art crew has been working with AAS for over 26 years and has many many years of working with students in school and museum settings- its going to be fun!! 
  • We will not be interviewing students so we are looking to YOU as their art teachers to really carefully select two students (in their junior year) from each school to participate. We are looking for students who are enthusiastic, eager to collaborate and who will fully participate in the day-long experience with an open heart and mind. Please take care in careful selection. 
  • Please CLICK HERE for detailed information regarding the student application. The self-portrait can be any conceptualization, it does not need to resemble the students physical likeness, it can represent the student in some way, and it can be conceptual as long as they can explain the intent or meaning of the work. We will be asking for a short description of the work. 
  • The per student cost will be $125 and will include all they need (including meals). Since the turn-around will be tight with applications due April 1st students will be able to return the consent forms either digitally ahead of time or via paper print-outs the morning of the events. Payment can also be submitted ahead of time or the morning of the event. As usual, we can only accept CHECKS or MONEY ORDERS as payment. We do NOT have a process for accepting credit cards. We also realize that for schools that are paying for the students to attend, this may not be enough time — we can work with individual schools on an as-needed basis, if you need an invoice please let us know ASAP and include the student names, dates/ locations attending and the full address and contact information of the school. Acceptance emails will go out every few days, and we are able to turn around invoices quickly. 

Sound like fun!?! Want to get more involved?? Volunteer (CLICK HERE) or… Become an AAS Artist-Teacher for the 2019 Tape Art Edition! (CLICK HERE) We are looking for willing artist-teachers (that’s you!!) to apply to be an AAS artist-teacher!  It would involve a two-hour online training (via zoom or similar platform), and you would work with the small groups of students to facilitate the experience. The training will include tape art methods, tips for facilitating collaborative art making, art engagement techniques and program details / schedules. You would pre-select the work you want to engage the students with ahead of time (the Carle has a coming of age graphic novel exhibit that is AWESOME for this!! And features an AAS artist Jarrett Kroczoska!) and work with small groups of students the day-of. We would provide lots of resources, continual mentoring and *** a brand new, hot off the press copy of Collaborative Tape Art: The Piktotape Method just released by Davis Publications! And, 15 PDPs. This is an amazing opportunity for professional development that’s fun, and provides lots of resources for you if you want to do something similar with your classes, school or community! 

Questions!?! Email us anytime! **Please note our new email address: We will also be posting when the applications open on our social media, please like and follow!

Best wishes,
Kristi Oliver, AAS Program Director and Sheldon Vigeant, Steering Committee Chair 

NAHS/NJAHS Exhibit Opportunity – Deadline March 15

MAEA is continuing the series of art education exhibitions in the second floor atrium and gallery space at the State Transportation Building in Boston. Massachusetts art educators that act as National Art Honor Society or National Junior Art Honor Society chapter sponsors are invited to submit their NAHS/NJAHS student work for this annual exhibit.

Exhibition Dates and Location: Monday, April 8 – Thursday, May 16, 2019
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday – Friday (Closed Holidays & Weekends)
2nd Floor Atrium Gallery, Massachusetts State Transportation Building, Boston

Submission Deadline: Friday, March 15, 2019

  • We will accept electronic registration only. Complete the online registration form, including the proper label information for all the pieces you will be submitting.
  • Participants must be part of a registered NAHS/NJAHS chapter. 
  • Please limit submissions to one work per student. Students must be active members of the NAHS chapter, but there is no limit on the total number of participants from each chapter.

Learn more and submit artwork for the exhibit.