Studio Institute’s ARTS Intern Program places undergraduates from diverse cultural backgrounds in paid summer internships at museums and cultural institutions. In 2017, this program will operate in New York City, Boston, Cleveland, and Philadelphia.
Art Education: Shaping Human Potential, November 11 and 12, 2017, University of Massachusetts Amherst
The 2017 MAEA Conference will take place on November 11 and 12 at UMASS Amherst. The theme is Art Education: Shaping Human Potential
Keynote speaker: Patty Bode
Summer Licensure Workshops
SEI/ELL & Special Needs for Art Educators
UMASS Dartmouth
Differential Learning or Different Teaching? Relating to Students with Special Needs in K-12 Art Classes
- July 5 – 7 // VPA 500-8101
- July 17 – 19 // VPA 500-8102
- Cost: $150 // Maura & Peter Geisser
This course will focus on what art teachers need to know about their students and what special needs they may have. Participants will be asked to share past experiences, pose possible problems and look for better solutions in working with special needs populations in both integrated and self- contained classes.
*PDPs offered specifically for licensure renewal requirement regarding strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning styles.
Sheltered English Immersion (SEI) for Arts Educators
- June 28 – June 30 // VPA 501-8101
- July 10 – 12 // VPA 501-8102
- Cost: $150 // Constance Moore
The purpose of this class is to prepare Massachusetts art educators with the requisite knowledge and skills to shelter instruction effectively as it pertains to the discipline of the visual arts, and in so doing meet the needs of our ever increasing population of English language learners (ELLs), so that they can equitably “access the curriculum, achieve academic success, and contribute their multilingual and multicultural resources as participants and future leaders in the 21st century global economy.”
*PDPs offered specifically for SEI/ English as a second language licensure renewal requirement.
Massachusetts Art Education Association Members receive 10% off workshops. Click here for more information
Additional summer courses and opportunities, please click here.
Questions: Call 508.999.9202 or email
You’ve shared your students work, now it’s time to share what you’ve been creating. Active and retired art educators working in Massachusetts are invited to submit their 2D and 3D artwork for the annual summer juried exhibit “Art Educators of Massachusetts.” This exhibit opportunity is free to MAEA members. The jury for the exhibit will be art educators who are members of the Massachusetts Art Education Association Board.
Monday, May 22 – Friday, September 15, 2017
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.Monday – Friday (Closed Holidays & Weekends)
Massachusetts State Transportation Building, Boston
Closing Reception: Friday September 15, 2017 from 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
News Release from Arts|Learning: Major Advances for Massachusetts Arts Education!
State education leaders praised for adopting measures to increase arts access and visibility
BOSTON, March 29, 2017-The Arts for All Coalition today praised the state’s Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) for adopting new guidelines that will prioritize arts education for students across the Commonwealth. The new guidelines were written in response to a new federal law, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which emphasizes every student’s access to a well-rounded education, including the arts.
Under the new DESE plan, every school district will report arts education access and participation data on their school and district “report cards.” This will give transparency to parents, students, and communities as to the status of arts education in every community in Massachusetts. State education leaders have also committed to revising the Arts Curriculum Framework, which was last amended in 1999. Curriculum frameworks are the guides districts and schools use to develop local curricula and to determine a quality education in each subject area.
“Business leaders consistently report that new hires are lacking in creativity, innovation, and other 21st-century skills that the arts help to develop, so we’re proud to see Massachusetts leading on this front,” said Arts|Learning Executive Director, Jonathan Rappaport. “These new guidelines will ensure that arts education is something that is necessary for every district and school in the state.”
Passed by Congress in late 2015 with overwhelming bipartisan support, ESSA includes instruction in the arts in the federal definition of a “well-rounded education.” In preparation for implementation of ESSA for the 2017-18 academic year, each state must revise its accountability plan for school districts to reflect this new definition. In addition to test scores, accountability standards must include other indicators of school quality, such as measures of participation in arts instruction.
DESE officials spent 10 months researching district needs for the new guidelines and meeting with key stakeholders. The Arts for All Coalition, which consists of MASSCreative, Arts|Learning, Edvestors, Boston Public Schools, the Massachusetts Cultural Council, Young Audiences of Massachusetts, MassINC, and Project LEARN-Lowell, engaged in the process providing research and public input on the importance of arts education in a well-rounded education. One of the state’s educational challenges identified during this process was that six percent of elementary students (over 35,000 students!) and 50 percent of high school students do not have the opportunity to engage in quality arts instruction.
2017 Youth Art Month | Boston United Through Art
State Transportation Building | Boston, MA
February 13 – March 30, 2017
Don’t miss the opportunity that a statewide exhibit offers! In 2016 MAEA’s Statewide Exhibit featured close to 900 works representing approximately eighty communities and was viewed by thousands of people! Make sure your school is represented in 2017! Drop-off sites for artwork will be available across the state.
SISAL Member School Art Exhibit
The 2017 SISAL member schools’ art exhibit will be held at The Carroll School in Lincoln in May 2017. The exhibition will be up and open to the public May 1 – May 5, 2017 from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Awards and take down will be on Sunday, May 7 from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Downloads including submission instructions, inventory form, and entry form are in a zip file – click here.
For more information, please contact Diane Francis –
Elections: Congratulations to…
Newly Filled Positions
All positions start January 1, 2017
- Laura Marotta – President
- Melissa Hayes – President-Elect
- Helen Downey – Treasurer
- Mary Geisser – Early Childhood Representative
- Billy Claire -Independent Schools Representative
- Sheila Tetler- Retired Representative
- Erin Sutton – Special Needs Representative
- Jessica Sassaman – Elementary Representative
- Carolann Tebbetts – Secondary Schools Representative
- Liz Rudnick Reiser – Awards Committee Chair
- Amy Briggs – Museum Representative
Open positions: NAHS, Higher Education, Pre-service, Exhibitions Committee Chair, Secretary.
Description of all positions are in the bylaws.
Art All-State 2017
The Massachusetts Art Education Association and CVPA at UMass Dartmouth are proud to announce that Art All-State Massachusetts will celebrate its 30th year in 2017.
The application portal is now open – go to the Art All-State page for complete information – click here.
Each school and/or program may nominate two high school juniors.
Important Dates
January 31: Application Materials Due
March 10 and 17: Student Interviews
June 9 and 10: Art All-State
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact
or call 508.999.9204
AANEPS Exhibit at Lesley University i-den-ti-ty
Lesley University’s College of Art and Design is currently hosting an exhibition of artwork by students who attend schools associated with AANEPS. The exhibition includes work by roughly 120 students from thirteen different preparatory schools — including St. Marks, Thayer Academic, BB&N, Milton Academy, Winsor School, etc. For this project, the students were asked to produce work that explored the concept of “identity.” Needless to say, the results are both interesting and compelling!