The Massachusetts Arts Coalition* shared the guidance document Arts Education in the Time of a Pandemic: COVID-19 Reopening Guidelines for Massachusetts PreK-12 Arts Programs with Governor Baker and Commissioner Riley on June 30, in collaboration with the Massachusetts Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, who shared a similar document specific to health, PE, recreation, and dance. This document is meant to serve as guidance for PreK-12 schools, administrators, and arts educators as they plan for the 2020-2021 school year, to ensure that arts educators can continue to provide meaningful arts instruction for all students in Massachusetts. Drafted by the *Massachusetts Arts Coalition: Arts|Learning, Boston Area Kodály Educators, Massachusetts Art Education Association, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, MASSCreative, Massachusetts Dance Education Organization, Massachusetts Educational Theatre Guild, Massachusetts Instrumental & Choral Conductors Association, Massachusetts Music Educators Association, and The New England Chapter of American Orff Schulwerk Association.
The Massachusetts Arts Coalition will share discipline specific guidance soon.
Advocate for Arts Education During COVID-19
MAEA has organized additional resources on our advocacy page, including more resources from MASSCreative and the Arts for All Coalition. There are advocacy resources available here to help support and advocate for your local and state arts programs. In addition, use these images to help promote the arts on your websites, blogs, and social media pages.
Right click to download the image below and share using the hashtag #ArtsEdIsEssential #VisualArtsEdMatters #wickedsmART and tag @NAEA or (@WhyArtMatters on Instagram) and @MassArtEd.
Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion Resources
The MAEA Board of Directors has put together a collection of Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion resources for educators which you can find here.
If you have additional items to add to this resource list, please feel free to email with additional materials.
Message from the MAEA Board of Directors
On Tuesday, MAEA stood in solidarity with those protesting police brutality and the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and every other black life lost. We paused our advocacy for arts education and helped to amplify those whose voices are silenced by white supremacy.
We also reflected on our own work relating to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. Following the direction of NAEA, the MAEA Board of Directors began this work last summer, but we have been working too slowly. The MAEA Board of Directors recognizes that we need to do better. In order to best serve the students and art educators of Massachusetts, we must do better.
In the coming days, MAEA will be updating our website to include resources related to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. The MAEA Board of Directors are also in the process of hiring a consultant to help us with the work of making our organization inclusive. In the future we will do trainings around antiracist practices. We will be seeking educators to join us in this work and recognize this work requires labor, consistency and accountability.
I invite you to visit our social media accounts for the work we amplified on Tuesday and most importantly, I invite you to view the tribute in honor of George Floyd and every other black life lost on the Black Lives Matter website.
In Solidarity,
Melissa Mastrolia
MAEA President
On Behalf of the MAEA Board of Directors
Definitions of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion Developed & Approved by NAEA Board
Equity: Refers to conditions that support fairness and justness based on individual needs and circumstances whereas all members have opportunities to thrive and realize their best within the NAEA community (adopted December 2017).
Diversity: The term ‘diversity’ describes both observable and non-observable individual differences (life experiences, work context, learning and working styles, personality types among others) and group/social differences (race, gender identity and expression, age, social class, country of origin, ability, beliefs, intellectual and cultural perspectives, among others) that can contribute to organizational vibrancy and a dynamic professional community.
Inclusion: The term ‘inclusion’ describes proactive, intentional, and thoughtful engagement with diversity to the extent that all have the ability to contribute fully and effectively throughout the NAEA community.
Virtual Art Show Feature
MAEA wants to feature your virtual art shows! Please share your virtual art shows with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other platform you are using to showcase your students’ artwork this school year. We will post your virtual art shows on our webpage and social media pages. Be sure to tag MAEA @massarted and include the #WickedSmARTShows when you post. We look forward to seeing your students’ artwork and the creative ways you are displaying it this year.
NAEA SchoolArts Membership Promotion
NAEA has teamed up with Davis Publications to offer a free 1-year subscription to SchoolArts magazine to art educators who join NAEA or renew their existing/lapsed membership using the special promotional link or over the phone with NAEA (and mentioning the offer) before June 30, 2020.
Here are the details:
NAEA and Davis Publications are offering a FREE 1-year subscription to SchoolArts magazine (a $24.95 value!) to anyone who joins NAEA as a new member, or renews an existing or lapsed membership before June 30, 2020, using the methods outlined below.
To receive the FREE 1-year subscription to SchoolArts magazine, educators must use the special link for the promotion when joining or renewing online or call the NAEA Member Services Team at 800-299-8321 and mention the offer when they join or renew over the phone.
Special link for new members who are joining:
Special link for existing members who are renewing their current membership or rejoining after their membership has lapsed:
June 30, 2020
- Educators with existing memberships can renew now (even if their membership doesn’t expire for months) to receive this special offer. A year of membership will be added on to their existing membership expiration date. They’ll be ahead for the upcoming school year!
- To receive the offer, educators must complete the join or renew process fully either online using the special links above, or over the phone with the NAEA Member Services Team and mention this offer when doing so.
Advocate for Arts Education During COVID-19
During these uncertain times, MAEA members are working hard to advocate for the continuation of rigorous arts education programs and educators. There are advocacy resources available here to help support and advocate for your local and state arts programs. In addition, use these images to help promote the arts on your websites, blogs, and social media pages.
Right click to download the image below and share using the hashtag #ArtsEdIsEssential #VisualArtsEdMatters #wickedsmART and tag @NAEA or (@WhyArtMatters on Instagram) and @MassArtEd.
Join us for our 1st MAEA Virtual Confab
MAEA wants to hear from art educators across the state during this time of remote learning. Join Melissa Mastrolia, MAEA President, as well as other MAEA Board members on Thursday, June 4th at 7:30pm to check in and speak about your experiences with remote learning and teaching. The virtual confab (informal conversation) will be held on Zoom, details below. Can’t make this virtual confab? We plan to host more in the future!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 831 8024 7150 Password: 544206
Dial by your location: +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
- Add to Google Calendar
- Add to Outlook Calendar (.ics)
- Add to Yahoo Calendar
Arts Education Is Essential: A Unified Statement From Arts and Education Organizations
As likeminded arts and education organizations, NAEA and 52 other national groups have come together to release a unified statement on the necessity of arts education for all students, “Arts Education Is Essential”.
Download one of the images below and share using the hashtag #ArtsEdIsEssential #VisualArtsEdMatters #wickedsmART and tagging @NAEA or (@WhyArtMatters on Instagram) and @MassArtEd.
An Open Letter to Superintendents, Principals, and School Board Members from NAEA
An Open Letter to Superintendents, Principals, and School Board Members: Visual Arts/Design Instruction for All Learners Is More Essential Than Ever.
Click here to read an important letter from NAEA’s President Thom Knab.