The State Youth Art Month exhibit and the Massachusetts Amazing Emerging Artists exhibit Family Day Celebration is still on for today! Join us at the State Transportation Building Second Floor Atrium Gallery, 10 Park Plaza, Boston today from 12:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Congratulations to all the 2019 Youth Art Month Flag winners!
Jesslyn Croteau, Gr.11 – Shepherd Hill Regional High School, Teacher: Stephanie Lashua
Elementary School Winner
Middle School Winner
Secondary School Winner
Elementary School Winner: James Whalen, Gr.4 – Albert F. Argenziano School, Teacher: Diana Taremi Middle School Winner: Amanda Castro Silva, Gr.7 – Quinn Middle School, Teacher: Diana Hoff High School Winner: Britany Larson, Gr.12 – Shepherd Hill Regional High School, Teacher: Stephanie Lashua
Grade K
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
Grade K Winner: Abigail Cornelius – Albert F. Argenziano School, Teacher: Luci Prawdzik Grade 1 Winner: Owen Fengler – Martha Jones School, Teacher: Maggie Pasquan Grade 2 Winner: Colin Hennessy – Martha Jones School, Teacher: Maggie Pasquan Grade 3 Winner: Alexa Ende – Martha Jones School, Teacher: Maggie Pasquan Grade 4 Winner: Rosalind Balfour – Benjamin G.Brown School, Teacher: Amanda Ledin Grade 5 Winner: Maggie Mullin – Martha Jones School, Teacher: Maggie Pasquan Grade 6 Winner: Ellen Ryan -Albert F. Argenziano School, Teacher: Diana Taremi Grade 7 Winner: Cooper Lacina – Quinn Middle School, Teacher: Diane Hoff Grade 8 Winner: Said Soaib – Winter Hill Community Innovation School, Teacher: Emily Martin Grade 9 Winner: Lily Campbell – Somerville High School, Teacher: May Chau Grade 10 Winner: Lily Tran – Braintree High School, Teacher: Heidi Hurley Grade 11 Winner: Hannah Guerin – Shepherd Hill Regional High School, Teacher: Stephanie Lashua Grade 12 Winner: Aysit Tashkin – Lynn Classical High School, Teacher: Erin Sutton
We are currently looking for volunteers to help with the Statewide Youth Art Month exhibit at the State Transportation Building, 10 Park Plaza, Boston, MA 02116.
As you know the Statewide Youth Art Month Exhibit is a huge undertaking and doesn’t happen without the help of many amazing volunteers. Sign up to help today!
Make sure you are a part of our 2019 statewide Youth Art Month exhibit, where we will honor Massachusetts artists in grades k-12 and celebrate quality art education at the State Transportation Building in Boston.
Make sure you get your Youth Art Month Flag Contest submissions turned in! by January 4. The student of the winning design will be awarded $400 from Sargent Art, and the teacher receives $600 in Sargent Art materials. There are also elementary, middle, and high school winners!
Registration is now open for the Youth Art Month exhibit at the Worcester Art Museum and closes February 1, 2019. This regional exhibit is organized by a committee of teachers in conjunction with the Worcester Art Museum, and is open to the districts in and around Worcester.
This year each teacher may submit up to 4 works at no cost, regardless of MAEA membership. All work meeting exhibit requirements will be accepted. Learn more.
Make sure you get your Youth Art Month Flag Contest submissions turned in! by December 14. The student of the winning design will be awarded $400 from Sargent Art, and the teacher receives $600 in Sargent Art materials. There are also elementary, middle, and high school winners!
Take time during this Thanksgiving break to plan how you can incorporate the Youth Art Month Flag Contest into your curriculum! The student of the winning design will be awarded $400 from Sargent Art, and the teacher receives $600 in Sargent Art materials. There are also elementary, middle, and high school winners! Find out all the details here.
Make sure you are a part of our 2019 statewide Youth Art Month exhibit, where we will honor Massachusetts artists in grades k-12 and celebrate quality art education at the State Transportation Building in Boston.
Don’t miss out on this great opportunity for your students. The Youth Art Month Flag Contest is open to students in grades K-12. Finished flag designs should be submitted digitally by December 14.
The student of the winning design will be awarded $400 from Sargent Art, and the teacher receives $600 in Sargent Art materials. There are also elementary, middle, and high school winners! Learn more.