Category: Opportunities

Upcoming Exhibit Opportunities

MAEA is excited to share that there are a number of exhibit opportunities for art educators. The Davis Art Gallery in Worcester and Montserrat Galleries in Beverly have updated their call for entry, and NAEAs Member Exhibit has gone virtual. Please check the exhibit opportunities page on the MAEA website for all the details.

If you know of an exhibit opportunity for art educators please share this opportunity with to post.

MassCue Virtual Cueup

MAEA President Melissa Mastrolia and METG HS Division President Alicia Greenwood will be hosting a CUEup this coming Thursday, May 21 at 8:00 pm. A huge thanks to MassCue for putting these virtual gatherings together and for the invitation.

MassCUE stands by its community during this unprecedented time – one that none of us has ever faced before.  Our first initiative is to offer online CUEups in place of our usual face-to face CUEups to gather people together to discuss your needs and how MassCUE can help.


Hosts: Alicia Greenwood, President, Massachusetts Educational Theater Guild High School Division & Melissa Mastrolia, President, Massachusetts Art Education Association

Join by phone ‪+1 478-974-6118 PIN: ‪320 499 849#

Celebrating the Drawing Act – Updated Exhibit Information

150 years ago, on May 16, 1870, Massachusetts passed An Act relating to free instruction in drawing , which has become known as the Drawing Act of 1870 . This was the first law in the nation requiring drawing to be taught in public schools and communities, passed by our own Massachusetts legislature!

Drawing Act 150 – A Great Opportunity for Remote Learning

Help celebrate the 150th year of the Drawing Act by asking your students, their families, and your colleagues, friends and family to create a small drawing of something seen every day.

MAEA is partnering with the Drawing Act Coalition to sponsor a community art installation to be displayed some time in the fall of 2020. This installation was planned for the spring but has been postponed due to the the COVID-19 outbreak.

The Drawing Act Coalition* invites everyone to contribute original drawings to celebrate this anniversary.  Drawings could be a tree outside your window, your keys, a parking meter, or a family member’s face.  See the attached flyer for all the details!

Who can participate in Drawing Act 150?

Everyone! We welcome submissions from anyone across Massachusetts. Please note, The Drawing Act Coalition is requesting that submissions be sent in digitally (photograph of the work or digital drawing) instead of mailed in.

Deadline and More Information

The submission deadline for drawings has been extended through the summer and into the fall. An exact deadline will be shared as these details are finalized.  See the attached flyer for more information.

Questions? Email

Celebrating the Drawing Act – Updated Exhibit Information

150 years ago, on May 16, 1870, Massachusetts passed An Act relating to free instruction in drawing , which has become known as the Drawing Act of 1870 . This was the first law in the nation requiring drawing to be taught in public schools and communities, passed by our own Massachusetts legislature!

Drawing at School: 1870-2020 – Exhibit Dates to be Determined

MAEA would like to celebrate the progress art education has made over those 150 years.

Please note we have had to make adjustments to this exhibit. It was previously planned to be installed during April vacation. We are hoping to run the exhibit during the summer, but with most schools not currently in session, the exact dates of this exhibit are to be determined. We will update the details for this exhibit as soon as we have more information.

When details are finalized for this exhibit we invite all teachers to submit up to 6 student drawings and 1 personal drawing for the show. All students are welcome from early childhood through college.

Questions? Email

Drawing Act 150 – A Great Opportunity for Remote Learning

Help celebrate the 150th year of the Drawing Act by asking your students, their families, and your colleagues, friends and family to create a small drawing of something seen every day.

The Drawing Act Coalition* invites everyone to contribute original drawings to celebrate this anniversary.  Drawings could be a tree outside your window, your keys, a parking meter, or a family member’s face. One of the possible public displays includes a community art installation at the Massachusetts State House this May.  See the attached flyer for all the details!

Who can participate in Drawing Act 150?

Everyone! We welcome submissions from anyone across Massachusetts. Please note, The Drawing Act Coalition is requesting that submissions be sent in digitally (photograph of the work or digital drawing) instead of mailed in.

Deadline and More Information

The submission deadline for drawings is currently April 29. See the attached flyer for more information.

Questions? Email

Upcoming Exhibit Opportunities for Art Educators

MAEA is excited to share that there are a number of exhibit opportunities for art educators across the state. The Davis Art Gallery in Worcester and Montserrat Galleries in Beverly have recently put out a call for entry. Please check the exhibit opportunities page on the MAEA website for all the  details.

If you know of an exhibit opportunity for art educators please share this opportunity with to post.

Funding, Job Listings, Summer Programs – Opportunities

You will find many new opportunities highlighted on the MAEA website for both students and teachers. Be sure to visit the opportunities tab for funding opportunities, job listings, student contests, and summer programs for students and teachers.

One opportunity we think you won’t want to miss is the Snow Farm Art Retreat for Educators in late June. Snow Farm shares that it’s “Art camp for grown-ups”. Snow Farm is a DESE PDP provider, so you can also apply for PDPs if you attend the art retreat. More info.

Secondary art educators – Snow Farm also has a summer program for students age 14-18. Studios include ceramics, drawing & painting, glass blowing and many more. If a student of yours in a Scholastic gold or silver key winner with financial need, they can apply for a full summer scholarship. The deadline for scholarship is March 15.

Snow Farm – Art Retreat for Educators, June 26 – 30

When the last bell rings, head to Snow Farm for art camp!  Educators have the hardest (and most important) job, so after months of tending to the creative lives of others, turn the tables and tend to yourself.

Choose one workshop and sink into 3 full days of learning and making.  Let us take care of all the planning and meals. Enjoy the lightening bugs at dusk and a bonfire at night (with smores, of course). Inspire yourself in the company of other educators and your next year will be inspired, too.

Educators include anyone who teaches or works in a public or private school, in higher ed, or in a community art setting. Snow Farm is a MA approved Professional Development Provider. Most states offer reciprocity. To apply for PDP, contact Learn more here. 

Build Your Studio Practice at Montserrat from June 28 – July 3

Montserrat’s Wildly Popular Summer Program Designed for Art Educators is Back!

Montserrat’s Art Educator Summer Institute is a week-long residential summer program (June 28 – July 3) created for art educators teaching grades K through 12, and community college art educators. Our Summer Institute immerses art educators from across the country in our state-of-the-art studio spaces to focus on developing their own practice and build new skills that they can bring back to their classrooms.

Participants will spend the week living on Montserrat’s idyllic seaside campus, which is located in the vibrant downtown Arts District of Beverly, MA — just five train stops from Boston. Art educators will have access to an open studio space throughout the duration of the program.


Participants will engage in two workshops each day, taught by Montserrat’s faculty of professional artists and scholars. Workshop choices include:

Life Drawing
Digital Photo
Landscape Painting/Drawing
Creative Drawing
Warm Glass
Digital Illustration

A broad array of optional evening activities range from excursions to local museums and galleries, to local outings with members of the Montserrat community to experience all that our city has to offer. Come spend a week building meaningful connections with fellow art educators and pushing the boundaries of your own studio practice!

Learn more here, or e-mail or call us at 978-921-4242 ext. 1153.

Join the Board!

We are always looking to welcome MAEA members to the Board of Directors and Committees. All board meetings and committee meetings have the option to meet virtually, so we welcome members from across the state!

We have the following positions open for a partial or full term:

  • Museum Education Division Director – Now – December 31, 2020
  • Middle Level Division Director – Now – December 31, 2020
  • Retired Representative – Now – December 31, 2021
  • Awards Committee Chair – Now – December 31, 2020
  • Exhibitions Committee Chair – Now – December 31, 2021

Interested in becoming more involved, but aren’t ready to take the plunge into an official board position? Consider joining one of our active committees like awardsyouth art monthpublic relationsstudent recognitions, or exhibitions .

For additional information about responsibilities and descriptions please refer to the MAEA Bylaws, Article III: Directors and Representatives .

Questions? Please contact Melissa Mastrolia at

2020 Saving Endangered Species Youth Art Contest

Entries Due March 1, 2020

Elementary, middle and high school teachers and their students are encouraged to participate in the 2020 Saving Endangered Species Youth Art Contest, an integral part of the 15th annual Endangered Species Day, celebrated on and around May 15, 2020. 

Started in 2006 by the United States Congress, Endangered Species Day is a celebration of the nation’s wildlife and wild places.  The Youth Art Contest provides K-12 students residing in the U.S. with an opportunity to learn about endangered animal and plant species and express their knowledge and support through artwork. Young artists who are home schooled and participate in youth groups are also eligible to submit their art. More than 1,300 young artists from throughout the country entered the 2019 contest. 

Saving Endangered Species Youth Art contest entries should depict a land or ocean-dwelling species that either lives in or migrates through the United States and its waters and has been placed on the threatened/endangered species list.  Artwork must be submitted electronically by March 1, 2020.

A prestigious panel of artists, photographers and conservationists will judge the artwork. Winners will be chosen in four categories: K-Grade 2, Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8 and Grades 9-12, and will receive plaques and art supply gift packs (from Chartpak Inc.). In addition, one grand prize winner will be honored at a reception in Washington, D.C. in May 2020 and also receive a special art lesson from a professional artist.

The Saving Endangered Species Youth Art Contest is organized by the Endangered Species Coalition.

Visit for more information, including complete contest guidelines, submission details, an art lesson plan, and the 2019 contest winners’ and semi-finalists’ artwork. If you have any questions, contact David Robinson (Endangered Species Day Director):