Category: Elections

Executive Committee Elections

Elections are now open for the position of Treasurer. Though running unopposed please cast your vote of support.

Treasurer – Leah Prouty-Muller

Leah has broad experience in both public and alternative education settings. She is currently teaching at Saint Paul Jr/Sr. High School, and is developing a diverse 2D and 3D curriculum for grades 7-12, including AP Art courses. In her concurrent role as an Office Manager at a local construction company she manages bookkeeping and accounts payable as well as operational tasks, ensuring compliance with permits and licenses.

Leah has worked at all grade levels, from Pre K to adult. In her role as Visual Art Specialist at Old Sturbridge Academy, she integrated visual arts with historic themes, while collaborating with classroom teachers to enliven the curriculum with hands-on opportunities and real world experiences. She was the school coordinator of the student created mini-book: Out of the Margins which highlighted the inventions and discoveries of humans whose achievements were overshadowed by their race, gender, or disabilities. The mini book was recognized for an award in 2023. Leah has also worked with the Suffolk County House of Corrections to help them develop arts programs as part of the educational opportunities for incarcerated citizens.

With her M.Ed from Framingham State University and a BFA in Art Education from the Mass College of Art & Design, Leah holds her MA Licenses in Pk-8 & 5-12. In recognition for her work, she received the Massachusetts PTO Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award in 2021 and Exceptional Volunteer Award in 2022. She has been actively involved with the MAEA since 2016, primarily serving as a Conference Committee Member. She has presented at both NAEA and MAEA conferences.
Every Leader is an Artist

Seeking Nominations for Executive Committee Positions

The next term for the MAEA Executive Committee position of President-elect will be open starting January 1, 2024. This position is a two year term, that transitions into the role of President, and Past President, which are also two year terms. For more information regarding the position of President-Elect, President, and Past President, please visit the MAEA website here.

We are also looking to fill the Executive Committee position of Secretary for a partial term starting ASAP through December 31, 2024. For more information regarding the position of Secretary, please visit the MAEA website here.

Please submit a letter of intent, resume/CV, short biography (250 word), and head shot for the election to by October 15 for the role of President-elect. For the role of Secretary, please submit the same items as soon as you are able to, as this role is currently open and we’d love to get someone in this position ASAP.

Questions? Please contact Maureen Creegan-Quinquis at

Join the Board

The MAEA board is filled by MAEA members just like you. Consider giving back to your state association in the role of an official board position. The MAEA Executive Committee positions of Secretary, Treasurer, and ED&I Director-Elect are open for a two-year appointment, starting ASAP.
Interested members, as well as eligible incumbents should submit a letter of intent, resume/CV, short biography (250 word), and headshot for the election to Jaimee Taborda at
The following appointed board positions are open for a two-year appointment that starts ASAP.
  • Elementary Division Director
  • Secondary Division Director
  • Higher Education Division Director
  • Supervision/Administration Division Director
  • Conference Committee Chair
  • Awards Committee Chair
  • Webmaster (non-voting)

We have a number of positions open for a partial term:

  • Community Arts Representative Now – Dec 31, 2023
  • Exhibitions Committee Chair Now – Dec 31, 2023
  • Publications Editor Now – Dec 31, 2023
Interested members as well as eligible incumbents are encouraged to apply.
To apply, please submit a letter of intent and an updated resume/CV via email to

Cast Your Vote to Elect Cari DiCicco to the role of MAEA President-Elect

We are happy to share that Caroline has expressed interest in the role of MAEA President-Elect! While Cari is running unopposed, please take a moment to cast your vote in support of Cari. You will find the ballot in an email that was sent to MAEA member emails on July 25 from The deadline to cast your vote is August 3, 2022.

Below you can read her full bio as well as what additional positions we are currently looking to fill on the MAEA Board of Directors.

Caroline “Cari” A. DiCicco is the K-12 Art Coordinator for the Everett Public Schools. She is a graduate of the Massachusetts College of Art and Design and Lesley University. She has been an active visual art educator in the greater Boston area since 2008, and is an avid painter and sculptor. She has supervised aspiring educators from both Framingham State University, Tufts University and the Massachusetts College of Art and Design, and has guest lectured in the Art Education departments of Framingham State and Mass Art. This past year, she has completed the MTA and NEA’s Teacher Leadership Institute and facilitated professional development for Everett educators surrounding Culturally Responsive Pedagogy. She received a Crystal Award for her capstone project at this year’s annual MTA meeting. Cari has spent the last few years teaching visual art at the George Keverian School, as well as leading their well attended Art Club. She and her students have participated in various art exhibitions at the Malden courthouse, Everett City Hall, as well as murals at Beautification Way and Rivergreen Park during Mayor Carlo DeMaria’s Spring Clean Up Day. Cari recently exhibited work in Montserrat College of Art’s annual Inspired Views exhibition. In her spare time, she is passionate about helping others enhance their lives through fitness as a local CrossFit Coach and recently won first place at an RPS Powerlifting Meet.

The MAEA board is filled by MAEA members just like you. Consider giving back to your state association in the role of an official board position.
We have a number of positions open for a partial term. If you are interested or want more information, please reach out to!
  • Awards Committee Chair Now – Dec 31, 2022
  • Secondary Division Director Now – Dec 31, 2022
  • Retired Representative Now – Dec 31, 2023
  • Community Arts Representative Now – Dec 31, 2023
  • Exhibitions Committee Chair Now – Dec 31, 2023
  • Advocacy Liaison Now – Dec 31, 2023
  • Webmaster Now – Dec 31, 2023
  • Publications Editor Now – Dec 31, 2023
More information about any of the other the positions above can be found here. If you are interested in any of these positions please submit a resume or CV and a letter or email of intent to

Seeking ED&I Director-Elect

MAEA is seeking to fill the position of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Director-Elect. The ED&I Director-Elect will serve now – December 31, 2022 which transitions to a two year term as ED&I Director. Please see below for more information about both positions. 

As an organization, we are following the lead of the NAEA in creating an ED&I Committee and Directorship in order to take full responsibility for developing a unified sense of community concerning equity, diversity, and inclusion across our association. 

If you are interested in the ED&I Director-elect position please submit your resume and/or CV and vision statement to Jaimee Taborda at The vision statement of 300 words or less should outline your leadership priorities and goals for the Equity, Diversity & Inclusion work within MAEA. If selected as a candidate, your vision statement will be featured on the MAEA website as well as the electronic ballot. The deadline for applying for this position is May 23, 2021.

ED&I Director-Elect Responsibilities

Director-Elect is expected to attend all MAEA Board meetings either physically or virtually unless pre-arrangements have been made. In the event of an anticipated absence, the Secretary should be notified as soon as possible. Excessive absences may serve as cause for removal from the Board of Directors.

Such responsibilities and duties shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

  • Serve as chair for the ED&I committee. 
  • Act as a point person for the committee and relay pertinent information to the board.
  • Attend monthly board meetings either virtually or in person, if unable to attend notify the secretary as soon as possible.
  • Hold committee meetings, and document work via committee meeting template. Monthly meetings are suggested.
  • Submit a report via report template with highlighted action items as needed to the secretary at least eight days prior to the scheduled meeting. In addition to action items, reports should include committee accomplishments and future plans. 
  • Work with the committee to reference, review, and update Policy Manual including procedures, timelines, and guidelines. Any changes to procedures and policies must be brought to the board for approval prior to implementation. These plans and actions must be in conformance with the overall strategic plans formulated by the Board of Directors.
  • With the assistance of the committee, submit an annual projected budget for approval by November for the following fiscal year (January 1).
  • Author or solicit from at least one article per year for the MAEA Newsletter.
  • Work toward advancing the mission of the Association.
  • Collaborate with the ED&I Director to advance ED&I initiatives.
  • Coordinate with the ED&I Director to aid in a smooth transition to the directorship.

Mission of the MAEA Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (ED&I) Committee

The Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee (ED&I) promotes, advocates, and creates opportunities for equity, diversity, and inclusiveness in the practice of art education. 

ED&I Committee Responsibilities/Goals 

When the committee is formed, they will evaluate and assess the recommendations from the MAEA ED&I Task Force and clearly define the goals and responsibilities of the committee.

ED&I Director Responsibilities 

The ED&I Director serves as a member of the Executive Committee. The officers of the Executive Committee are expected to attend all MAEA Board meetings either physically or virtually unless pre-arrangements have been made. In a time-sensitive circumstance in which a discussion and vote cannot wait until the next regularly scheduled board meeting, the Executive Committee officers are granted the power to make a decision on behalf of the Board of Directors. In such circumstances, every effort will first be made to inform the Board of Directors. 

Such responsibilities and duties shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

  • Provide visionary and strategic leadership for the organization.
  • Attend monthly board meetings either virtually or in person, if unable to attend notify the secretary as soon as possible.
  • Collaborate with the Board of Directors to develop the policies and direction of the organization.
  • Provide adequate and timely information to the Board of Directors to enable it to effectively execute its role.
  • Manage ED&I budget and report annually to the Treasurer.
  • With the assistance of the Director-Elect, submit an annual projected budget for approval by November for the following fiscal year (January 1).
  • Review policy and make recommendations for inclusion in the Policy Manual as in the best interest of the Association and its members.
  • May speak to the press and other interested parties on behalf of the organization.
  • Collaborate with the ED&I Director-Elect and committee to advance ED&I initiatives.
  • Coordinate with the ED&I Director-Elect to aid in a smooth transition to the directorship.

Executive Board Elections

Elections are now open for the positions of Secretary and Treasurer. Though both are running unopposed please cast your vote of support.

Secretary – Jaimee Taborda

Jaimee Taborda cares deeply about instilling the values of artistic thinking in her students through the Teaching for Artistic Behavior (TAB) approach to art education. A high school art educator of eleven years, she bridges contemporary art practices with current education concepts to provide a rich and diverse learning environment. She continuously challenges herself to learn more, both as an educator, through professional development, and as an artist, through studio classes. In addition to working as an artist and teaching full time at Oxford High School in Oxford, MA, Jaimee currently serves as department head of Unified Arts, adviser for art club and the National Art Honor Society, Adjunct Professor at Gordon College, and the new Interim Secretary for the MAEA. Jaimee is passionate about art education and strives to instill a love for the arts in all of her students.

Treasurer – Helen Downey

A member of the first graduating class of art majors from Framingham State College Helen Downey began teaching art in 1976 in the Marlborough Public Schools where she taught until she retired in 2012. During her thirty-six year career, Helen was as a facilitator for an Art Frameworks study group, presented at both MAEA and NELMS conferences, served a year as treasurer of the local Teacher’s Union, and received an M.Ed in curriculum and instruction from Lesley University. As K-12 Art Coordinator for 3 years, Helen was instrumental in the development and promotion of the department’s Permanent Collection. A member of the MAEA board since 2007 she became co-chair of the YAM committee in 2014 and has most recently served as treasurer and youth art month committee chair. Despite her retirement Helen remains involved in and a proponent for art education.


Every Leader is an ArtistThe following MAEA Executive Committee positions are currently open for a two-year appointment:
Please submit a letter of intent, resume/CV, short biography (250 word), and head shot for the election to by October 1, 2018.
Elections for Secretary and Treasurer will open October 15 through October 31 and will be held electronically.