Category: Board News

Executive Board Elections

Elections are now open for the positions of Secretary and Treasurer. Though both are running unopposed please cast your vote of support.

Secretary – Jaimee Taborda

Jaimee Taborda cares deeply about instilling the values of artistic thinking in her students through the Teaching for Artistic Behavior (TAB) approach to art education. A high school art educator of eleven years, she bridges contemporary art practices with current education concepts to provide a rich and diverse learning environment. She continuously challenges herself to learn more, both as an educator, through professional development, and as an artist, through studio classes. In addition to working as an artist and teaching full time at Oxford High School in Oxford, MA, Jaimee currently serves as department head of Unified Arts, adviser for art club and the National Art Honor Society, Adjunct Professor at Gordon College, and the new Interim Secretary for the MAEA. Jaimee is passionate about art education and strives to instill a love for the arts in all of her students.

Treasurer – Helen Downey

A member of the first graduating class of art majors from Framingham State College Helen Downey began teaching art in 1976 in the Marlborough Public Schools where she taught until she retired in 2012. During her thirty-six year career, Helen was as a facilitator for an Art Frameworks study group, presented at both MAEA and NELMS conferences, served a year as treasurer of the local Teacher’s Union, and received an M.Ed in curriculum and instruction from Lesley University. As K-12 Art Coordinator for 3 years, Helen was instrumental in the development and promotion of the department’s Permanent Collection. A member of the MAEA board since 2007 she became co-chair of the YAM committee in 2014 and has most recently served as treasurer and youth art month committee chair. Despite her retirement Helen remains involved in and a proponent for art education.

Join the Board! Deadline Nov 1

The following MAEA Board positions are currently open for a two-year appointment, January 1, 2019 – December 31, 2020.

Interested members, as well as eligible incumbents, are encouraged to apply.
Voting Positions:
Elementary Division Director
Middle Level Division Director
Secondary Division Director

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2018 State Conference & #NAEA19

In case you missed the previous announcement – the MAEA Board of Directors voted to cancel our annual conference for 2018. The reason for this decision was to make sure we had the board capacity to support NAEA and the national convention. We have been working closely with NAEA, and will continue to work closely to develop a convention we think you, our membership, will throughly enjoy.
We hope this decision means that you will be able to attend the NAEA National Convention in March 2019. Registration for the convention will be opening soon. You can find more information here including discounted hotel accommodations, which book up quickly!
Make sure your administration supports your convention attendance – share this letter from NAEA Executive Director Deborah Reeve with your administration to get their support. Additionally this handout includes tips and tools to help you get to Boston and get the most out of your experience.
Questions? Please contact Melissa Mastrolia at

Welcome to our New Board Members

The MAEA Executive Committee is happy to welcome our some new additions to the MAEA Board of Directors.

Please join us in welcoming Elizabeth Coughlan who recently stepped into the role of Special Needs Representative, Rebecca Bourgault who recently stepped into the role of Preservice Division Director, and Jaimee Taborda who recently stepped into the role of Interim Secretary.

Contact information can be found on the Board of Directors page of the MAEA website.


Every Leader is an ArtistThe following MAEA Executive Committee positions are currently open for a two-year appointment:
Please submit a letter of intent, resume/CV, short biography (250 word), and head shot for the election to by October 1, 2018.
Elections for Secretary and Treasurer will open October 15 through October 31 and will be held electronically.

Dues Increase – Effective July 2018

The Massachusetts Art Education Association will be increasing membership dues for Active, Associate, and Institutional members beginning this July. Detailed information regarding the increase can be found below.
It is important to remember that MAEA is an affiliate of the National Art Education Association, which means that when you join MAEA or NAEA you automatically belong to the other association. Our affiliate status with NAEA means that a portion of your yearly dues go to NAEA, and a portion to MAEA. With the new Active membership rate MAEA will receive $30. The new rate for Active members is just 26 cents per day, which is a bargain!

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The MAEA Executive Committee is excited to appoint the following MAEA members to the MAEA Board of Directors. MAEA terms run January 1, 2018 – December 31, 2019 unless otherwise noted.

  • Tamera Burns | Secondary Division Director, term ends December 31, 2018
  •  Billy Claire | Independent Representative and Webmaster
  • Tobey Eugenio | Middle Level Division Director, term ends December 31, 2018
  • Heidi Hurley | NAHS Representative
  • Stacy Lord | Community Arts Representative
  • Erin Sutton | Exhibitions Committee Chair
  • Sheila Tetler | Retired Representative

Currently open positions: Preservice and Supervision/Administration Division Director. Description of all positions are in the bylaws. Click here for more information.

Elections: Congratulations to…

Newly Filled Positions

All positions start January 1, 2017

  • Laura Marotta – President
  • Melissa Hayes – President-Elect
  • Helen Downey – Treasurer
  • Mary Geisser – Early Childhood Representative
  • Billy Claire -Independent Schools Representative
  • Sheila Tetler- Retired Representative
  • Erin Sutton – Special Needs Representative
  • Jessica Sassaman – Elementary Representative
  • Carolann Tebbetts – Secondary Schools Representative
  • Liz Rudnick Reiser – Awards Committee Chair
  • Amy Briggs – Museum Representative

Open positions: NAHS, Higher Education, Pre-service, Exhibitions Committee Chair, Secretary.

Description of all positions are in the bylaws.

Remembering John Michael Gray

Dear MAEA Members,

It is with a heavy heart that I write to you this afternoon regarding the unfortunate passing of John Michael Gray.

As the founding father and committed member of MAEA for approximately 40 years, John Michael certainly wore many hats serving tirelessly as Treasurer, President, Conference Coordinator, and Exhibitions Director.

With his long time partner and husband, Timothy O’Connor, the “Hat Sisters” have made a substantial and lasting impact on the art education and LGBTQ community across the state. Their dedication to advocating on behalf of art education is truly unmatched.

For those of us who have been working with John Michael on the Board and through various projects over the years, we will certainly miss his positive, upbeat personality and wonderful calming demeanor. As our unofficial MAEA historian, we valued his insight, advice and guidance in all Board activities. Among his many legacies, John Michael and Tim O’Connor co-directed the Scholastic Art Awards celebrating the creative achievements of our students and provided professional development for our educators through directing the New England Art Education Conference for many years.

As we receive additional information regarding the arrangements and services we will be sure to forward along. If you have the means, please consider donating to the GoFundMe page set up by a family friend to assist with medical expenses – click here.

We are still planning to complete the book for both Tim and John Michael and will present it to Tim at an appropriate time. If you would like to submit a page for the book the deadline for receiving artwork has been extended to October 20. We have many ideas as to how we can best honor John Michael’s memory and commemorate the founding father of MAEA. If you have any ideas, please let us know as we are committed to honoring both John Michael and Tim in the future.

Our most sincere and heartfelt sympathies to his husband Timothy O’Connor and family.

With deep sympathy,

Kristi Oliver
MAEA President, on behalf of the MAEA Board of Directors

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Seeking Nominations for Board and Executive Board Positions

The following MAEA Executive Board positions are currently open for a two-year appointment:

  • President
  • President-Elect
  • Secretary

Please submit a letter of intent, resume/CV, short biography (250 word), and head shot for the election to by October 1, 2016.

Elections for President, President-Elect, and Secretary will open October 15 through October 31 and will be held electronically.

For a description of responsibilities, please refer to the bylaws.

If you have any questions, please contact

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