Category: Board News

Welcome, Thank You, and Join the Board!

The MAEA Board of Directors is happy to welcome a new board member. We are happy to welcome Jacob Ginga who has stepped into the role of Exhibitions Committee Chair and Tobey Eugenio who serves as our Middle Level Division Director, has stepped into the role of Professional Development Committee Chair.
We would also like to thank Mary Geisser who recently had to step down from her role on the MAEA Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will miss you and appreciates your service to MAEA!
We are looking to fill the position of Secondary Division Director, Museum Education Division Director, and Early Childhood Representative. Interested candidates should submit their resume or CV/letter of intent to secretary@massarted.comLearn more here .
Interested in becoming more involved, but aren’t ready to take the plunge into an official board position, consider joining one of our active committees like awards, conference, youth art month, public relations, student recognitionsexhibitions, or professional development.

Welcome, Thank You, and Join the Board!

The MAEA Board of Directors is happy to welcome some new board members. We are happy to welcome Lydia Gruner who has stepped into the role of Special Needs Representative and Jane McKeag who has stepped into the role of Publications Editor.
We would also like to thank Erin Sutton and Tamera Burn who recently had to step down from their roles on the MAEA Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will miss you and appreciate your service to MAEA!
We are looking to fill the position of Secondary Division Director, Museum Education Division Director, and Exhibitions Committee Chair. We are also accepting applications for a committee chair for our newly formed Professional Development Committee. Interested candidates should submit their resume or CV/letter of intent to .
Interested in becoming more involved, but aren’t ready to take the plunge into an official board position, consider joining one of our active committees like  awards,  conference, youth art month,  public relations,  student recognitionsexhibitions, or professional development .

Review of Draft 2019 Arts Curriculum Frameworks

On February 12, 2019 the Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education approved the release of the draft 2019 Arts Curriculum Framework for public comment. It has been almost 20 years since the state’s arts standards were last revised in 1999, and the new draft makes several important changes. Specifically, it:

  • Recognizes media arts as a discipline alongside dance, music, theatre, and visual arts;
  • Utilizes a new organizational structure that
    • Is consistent across disciplines, supporting integration,
    • Integrates content from the 1999 framework’s Connections strand into the discipline-specific standards,
    • Includes standards for artistic practice aligned to the National Core Arts Standards;Provides more detailed learning expectations, with two-year instead of four-year grade spans.
  • Provides more detailed learning expectations, with two-year instead of four-year grade spans.
  • Adds guiding principles focused on engaging students and ensuring exposure to wider range of cultures and styles.

The Department wants to hear from you! Please review the draft and provide comments using this survey. Email Craig Waterman with any questions.

Be “Wicked Smart”

Order your limited edition MAEA t-shirt to commemorate the 2019 NAEA Convention in Boston March 14 – 16.

  • T-shirts are available for presale purchase for $22 through February 18.
  • T-shirts purchased at the convention are $25 with shipping included.
  • T-shirts purchased after the convention will have to pay shipping costs.
  • Order Here
T-shirt design created by Woburn HS art educator Anne Fitzgerald

Join the MAEA Board

The MAEA board is looking to fill the following positions:
  • Museum Education Division Director
  • Awards Committee Chair
  • Conference Committee Chair
  • Publications Editor
  • Webmaster
Interested candidates should submit their resume or CV/letter of intent to
Interested in becoming more involved, but aren’t ready to take the plunge into an official board position, consider joining one of our active committees like awardsyouth art monthpublic relationsstudent recognitions, or exhibitions.

Welcome New and Returning Board Members

The MAEA Board of Directors is excited to welcome three new board members, and a number of returning board members. These new terms start January 1, 2019 and are two year terms, unless otherwise noted. Thank you to everyone for your commitment to MAEA!
Newly Elected Board Members
Helen Downey – Treasurer
Jaimee Taborda – Secretary
Newly Appointed Board Members
Katie McEwan – Elementary Division Director
David Polito – Supervision/Administration Division Director
Eleena Rioux – Youth Art Month Committee Chair
Continuing Board Members
Rebecca Bourgault – Preservice Division Director
Tamera Burns – Secondary Division Director
Tobey Eugenio – Middle Level Division Director
Kay Furst – Higher Education Division Director
Diana Adams Woodruff – Student Recognitions Committee Chair, one year term
Special thanks to Amy Briggs Kemeza and Jessica Sassaman, who are stepping down from their roles as Museum Education Division Director and Elementary Division Director. We wish them well and know they will continue their work supporting the mission of MAEA!

Join us to Celebrate the 2019 MAEA Art Educators of the Year

The MAEA Board of Directors is looking forward to honoring and celebrating the 2019 MAEA Art Educators of the Year at the 2019 NAEA Convention in Boston and we hope you will join us!
The awards ceremony has been scheduled for March 16, 2019 at 11:00 – 11:50 a.m. in Meeting Room 310/Center at the Hynes Convention Center, 900 Boylston Street, Boston, MA. Registration for the NAEA Convention is NOT required to attend the MAEA Awards Ceremony.
Interested in nominating a colleague for the 2020 MAEA Art Educator Awards? Learn more and nominate someone today!
Giving Tuesday Nov 27

Support MAEA on #GivingTuesday

As you give thanks and give back this holiday season, consider supporting MAEA on #GivingTuesday, just 5 days away. Your donation made through Facebook on November 27 will be matched, if you make it early enough in the day!

Facebook is partnering with PayPal to match donations a total of up to $7 million to U.S. nonprofits on Facebook. Bookmark this page so you are ready to donate on #GivingTuesday and share it with friends and family.

Want to make sure #GivingTuesday is on your calendar – Mark yourself as going to the Facebook event, and you’ll get a reminder just before the event starts at 8:00 am. Every $ raised will go to support the mission of MAEA.

Thank you for your support!

MAEA T-Shirt Design Contest

Get your doodle on while hanging out with family and friends during Thanksgiving break. Help design our limited edition t-shirt for the 2019 NAEA Boston Convention. All proceeds to benefit the important work of MAEA. The winning design will be selected in mid December. The winner(s) will be rewarded with an MAEA shirt featuring his/her design, free conference registration to the 2019 MAEA conference and will be featured on MAEA social media and website.
Design Should:
  • Celebrate the field of art education in some way.
  • Include #NAEA19
  • Be a maximum of two ink colors. If you use black or white it counts as one of your two colors.
  • T-shirt fabric can be almost any color so consider that in your design.
  • Design for front of t-shirt only.
  • Design could highlight location of convention (Boston) but that is optional.
Submission Deadline:

December 3, 2018 Learn more.

Giving Tuesday Nov 27