The Massachusetts Arts Coalition* shared the guidance document Arts Education in the Time of a Pandemic: COVID-19 Reopening Guidelines for Massachusetts PreK-12 Arts Programs with Governor Baker and Commissioner Riley on June 30, in collaboration with the Massachusetts Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, who shared a similar document specific to health, PE, recreation, and dance. This document is meant to serve as guidance for PreK-12 schools, administrators, and arts educators as they plan for the 2020-2021 school year, to ensure that arts educators can continue to provide meaningful arts instruction for all students in Massachusetts. Drafted by the *Massachusetts Arts Coalition: Arts|Learning, Boston Area Kodály Educators, Massachusetts Art Education Association, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, MASSCreative, Massachusetts Dance Education Organization, Massachusetts Educational Theatre Guild, Massachusetts Instrumental & Choral Conductors Association, Massachusetts Music Educators Association, and The New England Chapter of American Orff Schulwerk Association.
The Massachusetts Arts Coalition will share discipline specific guidance soon.