Youth Art Month (YAM), is celebrated nationally each March since 1961 to highlight some of the amazing teaching and learning happening in visual arts education across the United States and to promote the understanding of visual arts as a critical factor in the total education curriculum that develops citizens of a global society.
In Massachusetts during the month of March, MAEA annually sponsors a Statewide preK-12 YAM Exhibit of student artworks submitted by art educators in public, private, and independent schools from across the state. There are also regional and district wide YAM exhibits, as well as school-based exhibits and events throughout the year celebrating Art Education.
We hope you enjoy the exhibit. Please view the exhibit ceremony video below.
While you are enjoying the galleries, please use the paper and ink icon located on each wall to complete a fan letter to artists whose work you particularly enjoyed.

Look for this image in each gallery to send a fan letter to an artist.
2025 Youth Art Month Exhibit Galleries
Schools can be found under the city/town where the school is physically located.
We are excited to share the work that will be exhibited in the national Youth Art Month Exhibit as part of the National Art Education Association Convention, which will be held in Louisville, Kentucky this year from March 19-21.

Thank you to Blick Art Supplies for providing gift certificates to those students whose work was selected.
Congratulations to all the President’s Choice Award winners with work displayed virtually in the national exhibit at the convention. Click on the images below to view the work in the exhibit.
We are also excited to host the Youth Art Month Flag Contest, generously sponsored by Blick Art Materials, an industry leader in quality art supplies.
Congratulations to our Grand Prize Winner
Shu-Ning H., 5th grade artist
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School, Cambridge
Art Teacher: Sara Engel

Thank you to the YAM Flag Contest judges: Sarah Aliberti, Milton Public Schools, Tammra Cook, Hardwick Elementary School, Helen Downey, formerly Marlborough Public Schools, and past MAEA Treasurer and YAM Chair, Gabrielle Gomez, Canterbury Street Magnet School, Susan Slepetz, Venerini Academy in Worcester, and and Elizabeth Mullaney, Norwood High School and current MAEA YAM Committee Co-Chair
MAEA would like to thank:
MAEA’s 2025 Statewide Youth Art Month Committee
Amy Hussey, J.W. Killam School in Reading, MA and Elizabeth Mullaney, Norwood High School, Norwood, YAM Committee Co-Chairs
Committee Members: Sarah Aliberti, Milton Public Schools:Tammra Cook, Hardwick Elementary; Helen Downey, former YAM Chair; Gabrielle Gomez, Canterbury Street Magnet School, Worcester; Claire Munley, Uxbridge High School.
With Special Thanks to:
Our Gallery Assembly Team: Jane Cristantiello, Helen Downey, Tammra Cook, and Claire Munley. Thank you for your donation of many hours to organize slides and create the galleries.
Cari DiCicco, President, Massachusetts Art Education Association – For her continuing guidance, and support.
Melissa Mastolia, Past Past President & Interim Webmaster, Massachusetts Art Education Association – For all her extra work supporting our tech needs and putting this exhibit online.
All the Art Teachers – For inspiring, instructing, encouraging and caring.
All the Young Artists – For creating and sharing.
And All the Parents, Families and Friends – For supporting their young artist and quality art education for all!
This exhibit is sponsored by The Massachusetts Art Education Association
The Massachusetts Art Education Association (MAEA) advances high quality visual arts education for ALL by empowering art educators to excel in the practice, instruction, promotion, and celebration of visual art. As a state affiliate, we support the mission, vision, and core values of the National Art Education Association (NAEA).