Sheltered English Instruction (SEI) for Art Educators Summer 2024

We are happy to share this offering will be happening again later in June 2024.


This 3-day workshop has been designed to provide art educators with research-proven practices and tools for working with multilingual learners (MLs). 

During the workshop effective research-based strategies and practices for working with MLs as they pertain to art instruction will be modeled.  Participants will have opportunities to practice the modeled strategies, to analyze their practice, to provide and receive feedback, and to reflect on their experiences.  Through this cycle of reflective practice, participants will strengthen their skills and knowledge as well as gain confidence and familiarity with research-proven practices for working with MLs.

Activities and tasks are designed to reinforce key concepts and practices, which utilize tools presented for the purpose of developing a body of sheltered English lessons to be shared among participants.  Participants will work collaboratively in grade-level groups/ clusters on these.

2024 Session Dates: June 27 – 29, 2024


SYLLABUS: View or download


June 27 & 28 9:00 am – 3:00 pm: Begin the day with the whole group, with time for collaborative task work in zoom breakout rooms, reconvening for debriefing and closing daily.

June 29 9:00 am – 3:00 pm: Begin the day with final strategies presentation, participants will work in breakout rooms to finalize their culminating lesson plan and then reconvene in the whole group for the final group presentations.

Due to the three-day format of the class, it is imperative that participants attend each session.  Class participation and participant interaction is an integral part of the course format.  Additionally, it is crucial that participants zoom in on time to each session as well as after breaks.  Participants should come prepared to discuss assigned readings when applicable and should complete all assigned work both at home and in class.

A major component of this course is collaboration within the grade-level groups in both breakout room work sessions and outside of the class if extra time is needed.  It is hoped that a networking peer group will arise out of this collaborative work.

*Note: A more detailed daily schedule will be provided to registered participants before the first day, as well as the Zoom link and Google Classroom code as well as links to the suggested/required readings.


Participants will earn 15 PDPs after active participation and the completion of the course requirements.

If you would like the member pricing, consider joining MAEA/NAEA:

Pay What You Can Option
If you are unable to pay the MAEA/NAEA Member or Non-Member ticket fees, please consider paying as much as you can using the “Pay What You Can” option. Without your support these workshops would not be possible.

If you have any questions, please email