Interested candidates should submit their resume/CV and letter of intent to Check out the specific roles below for more information.
This position is a two-year term, that transitions into the role of President, and Past President, which are also two-year terms.
This role is an elected position and is filled in even years.
- The President-Elect of the Association shall serve under the guidance and direction of the President. In the absence of the President, the President-Elect shall have all the powers and prerogatives of the President.
- Attend meetings as required by the Board of Directors.
- Chair the Public Relations Committee.
- Facilitate policy review and make recommendations for inclusion in the Policy Manual as in the best interest of the Association and its members.
- Work closely with committee chairs and meet with committees as necessary.
- Serve as delegate to the NAEA Delegate Assembly, Regional Leadership Meetings, and National Leadership Conferences, and other leadership councils as deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors. MAEA reimburses for travel expenses incurred for Delegates Assembly, Eastern Region Leadership Conference, and the National Leadership Conference. Delegates Assembly is typical one day prior to the NAEA Convention, which is typically four days long total. The Eastern Region Leadership Conference happens in the summer of odd years and is three – four days long. The National Leadership Conference happens in the summer of even years and is three – four days long. Leader to Leader meetings are scheduled quarterly and are typically one hour long.
- Fulfill other duties and responsibilities as designated by the Board of Directors.
This position is a two-year term. Prior to the role of President, you serve as as President-elect and then transition into the role of Past President, which are also two-year terms.
- It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all regular and special meetings of the Board of Directors and to perform such other duties as usually pertain to the office of the president.
- Provide visionary and strategic leadership for the organization.
- Collaborate with the Board of Directors and Executive Committee to develop the policies and direction of the organization.
- Provide adequate and timely information to the Board of Directors to enable it to effectively execute its role.
- Ensure that the organization’s guidelines and bylaws are properly implemented.
- Ensure that each board member agrees to and maintains the Code of Ethics.
- Support the organization’s capacity building strategies to support increased membership.
- May speak to the press and other interested parties on behalf of the organization
- Facilitate monthly board meetings and oversee all organization activities.
- Set agenda at least four days prior to the scheduled Board meeting.
- Work closely with committee chairs and meet with committees as necessary.
- Oversee budgets with the Treasurer, and ensure that an annual audit/review of the Treasurer’s books is conducted.
- Provide the second authorized signature on all Association accounts.
- Serve as delegate to the NAEA Delegate Assembly, Regional Leadership Meetings, and National Leadership Conferences, and other leadership councils as deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors. MAEA reimburses for travel expenses incurred for Delegates Assembly, Eastern Region Leadership Conference, and the National Leadership Conference. Delegates Assembly is typical one day prior to the NAEA Convention, which is typically four days long total. The Eastern Region Leadership Conference happens in the summer of odd years and is three – four days long. The National Leadership Conference happens in the summer of even years and is three – four days long. Leader to Leader meetings are scheduled quarterly and are typically one hour long.
Past President
This position is a two-year term, that happens after President-elect and President, which are also two-year terms.
- Serve as a resource to the President, Executive Committee, Board of Directors, and general membership
- Directly advise the President based on past practice when applicable
- Serve as liaison with the National Art Education Association
- Review policy and make recommendations for inclusion in the Policy Manual as in the best interest of the Association and its members
- Oversee the documentation and organization of the Association’s history, in this effect, act as Association Historian
- Fulfill other duties and responsibilities as designated by the Board of Directors
This role is an elected position and is filled in odd years.
Candidate must be able to perform the following:
- Keep a permanent record of all Association proceedings
- Keep complete accurate minutes of all meetings of the Association
- Submit via electronic means, proposed minutes within fourteen days after a meeting, for approval of the President, and upon approval of the President, send to the Board of Directors for their final approval
- Post meeting agendas to the Association website and provide minutes to members upon request
- Disseminate meeting agenda and reports as set by the President at least four days prior to the scheduled meeting
- Include an account of the members who are present for meetings in minutes
- Alert Board of Directors of the need for a quorum when votes outside of a board meeting are to be held
- Appoint a representative to serve in his/her capacity should s/he be unable to attend a meeting
- Prepare the membership report for upcoming meetings
- Prepare press releases to be approved by the Executive Committee and disseminated to the appropriate venues once approved
- Fulfill other duties and responsibilities as designated by the Board of Directors
- Review policy and make recommendations for inclusion in the Policy Manual as in the best interest of the Association and its members
This role is an elected position and is filled in odd years.
The Treasurer shall be the chief financial officer of the Association.
The treasurer shall:
- Be in charge of its financial affairs, funds, securities and valuable papers and keep full and accurate records thereof
- Render regular reports of the financial status of the Association, and be responsible for an annual review or audit of the books as required by law
- Submit a detailed report to the Board of Directors at each meeting
- Oversee the preparation of all necessary tax and other filings required for the Association with local, state, and federal regulators, including the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office and the IRS.
- Submit appropriate organizational documentation on GuideStar
- Prepare the organization’s financial records for annual audit to coincide with the end of the Association’s fiscal year, which runs from January 1 – December 31
- Present the books for audit by an impartial third party accountant or other financial advisor as deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors
- Assess and report the financial implications of proposed activities and other actions
- Review policy and make recommendations for inclusion in the Policy Manual as in the best interest of the Association and its members
- Fulfill other duties and responsibilities as designated by the Board of Directors
ED&I Director-Elect & Director
This role is an elected position and is filled in odd years.
- Provide visionary and strategic leadership for the organization
- Collaborate with the Board of Directors to develop the policies and direction of the organization
- Provide adequate and timely information to the Board of Directors to enable it to effectively execute its role
- Manage ED&I budget and report annually to the Treasurer
- With the assistance of the Director-Elect, submit an annual projected budget for approval by November for the following fiscal year (January 1)
- Review policy and make recommendations for inclusion in the Policy Manual as in the best interest of the Association and its members
- May speak to the press and other interested parties on behalf of the organization
- Collaborate with the ED&I Director-Elect and committee to advance ED&I initiatives
- Coordinate with the ED&I Director-Elect to aid in a smooth transition to the directorship
Division Directors & Special Interest Representatives
Candidate must be able to perform the following:
- Act as a point person for elected division and relay issues and pertinent information using the MAEA procedure for emailing.
- Attend (virtually or in-person) monthly board meetings and annual retreats.
- Submit reports as needed to the shared Google Drive folder at least eight days prior to the scheduled Board meeting.
- Review the reports in the shared Google Drive folder prior to the scheduled Board meeting.
- Attend MAEA sponsored events, conferences, exhibitions, and/or activities.
- Author or solicit at least three articles per year for the MAEA News (digital publication).
- Chair or actively participate in at least one MAEA committee.
- Review policy and procedures, and make recommendations for inclusion in the Policy Manual as in the best interest of the Association and its members.
Committee Chairs
Awards Committee, Conference Committee, Exhibitions Committee, Student Recognitions Committee, Youth Art Month Committee
Candidate must be able to perform the following:
- Act as a point person for the committee and relay pertinent information to the board.
- Attend monthly board meetings either virtually or in person, if unable to attend notify the secretary as soon as possible.
- Hold committee meetings, and document work via committee meeting template. Monthly meetings are suggested.
- Submit a report via report template with highlighted action items as needed to the secretary at least eight days prior to the scheduled meeting. In addition to action items, reports should include committee accomplishments and future plans.
- Work with committee to reference, review, and update Policy Manual including procedures, timelines, and guidelines. Any changes to procedures and policies must be brought to the board for approval prior to implementation. These plans and actions must be in conformance with the overall strategic plans formulated by the Board of Directors.
- With the assistance of the committee, submit an annual projected budget for approval by November for the following fiscal year (January 1).
- Author or solicit from at least one article per year for the MAEA Newsletter.
- Work toward advancing the mission of the Association.
- Work with other committee chairs to coordinate efforts.
Webmaster (Non Voting Postion)
Candidate must be able to perform the following:
- Work with MAEA Board of Directors to maintain MAEA website.
- Review and correct links that aren’t working and pictures that aren’t appearing properly.
- Examine and analyze site traffic.
- Regulate and manage access rights of different MAEA website users.
- Work with the PR committee to solicit content from the board, and support the board in updating that content.
- Update membership emails/contacts in Constant Contact and email.
- Submit reports as needed to the Secretary at least eight days prior to the scheduled meeting.
- Work toward advancing the mission of the Association.
- Chair or actively participate in the Public Relations Committee.
- Review policy and procedures, and make recommendations for inclusion in the Policy Manual as in the best interest of the Association and its members.
Publications Editor (Non Voting Position)
Candidate must be able to perform the following:
- Put out a digital publication of the MAEA News three times a year using InDesign.
- Edit article submissions (Google Docs) and format (InDesign) the MAEA News for publication.
- Work with member of the PR Committee to review/edit spelling/grammar of articles as they are submitted via Google Drive and Google Docs.
- Notify the MAEA Board when articles are due.
- Review submission packets to make sure they are complete (Article, Images, Permission Paperwork).
- Read and respond to emails sent to
- Keep submissions organized in MAEA Google Drive.
- Communicate with organizations and institutions regarding advertisements for the MAEA News.
- Work with the Public Relations Committee to review and revise policies related to the MAEA News.
More information re: MAEA News:
Advocacy Liaison (Non Voting Position)
Candidate must be able to perform the following:
- Liaise with other Arts organizations.
- Submit reports as needed to the Secretary at least eight days prior to the scheduled meeting.
- Author or solicit at least one article focussing on advocacy per year for the MAEA News (digital publication).
- Work toward advancing the mission of the Association.