
We are grateful for the following individuals and organizations for their work supporting the 2019 MAEA Conference: New Perspectives in Art Education.

Ekua Holmes
Olivia Parker
Montserrat College of Art
All of the Montserrat College of Art Faculty and Staff, especially Kurt T. Steinberg, President of Montserrat College of Art; Patricia Palmer, Director of Art Education; Nathan Lewis, Director of Exhibitions & Public Programs; Brian Pellinen, Dean of Academic Affairs.
MAEA Board of Directors
Conference Committee
Shannon Carey, Conference Committee Chair; Rebecca Bourgault, Martha Chapman, Melissa Mastrolia, Marcia Nadeau, Patricia Palmer, Margaurita Spear, Laura Evonne Steinman, Borany Wicks
Conference Presenters and Facilitators
Conference Volunteers
Taryn Beatrice, Casey Blackburn, Caddy Cicogna, Renice Cooper, Emerald Coviello, Emily Davis, Ellie DeLorme-Novakowski, Danielle French, Sarah Gilberg, Aurora Gloor, Gabrielle Gomez, Sarah Jaycox, Brenna Johnson, Hannah Kotelly, Ivy Mayer, Victoria Paulette, Kaitlin Perkins, Theresa Sauriol, Carolann Tebbetts, Sarah Tracy, Madison Wallace, Amanda Correia, of Mr & Mrs. Drew Photography
Donors, Sponsors, and Partners
AMACO, The Art of Education University, Art Supplies Wholesale, Blick Art Materials, Davis Publications/School Arts, Gallery System Art Display, L&L Kiln, Memory Project, National Art Education Association, The Peabody Essex Museum, Punto Urban Art Museum, The Putney School – Summer Programs, Roylco, Sargent Art, Scholastic Art