Community Art Educator of the Year

Beth Bailey, Creative Pathways

Beth Bailey, a lifelong South Shore resident and MassArt alumna, draws inspiration from playful, childlike drawings to evoke nostalgia in her viewers. Her designs capture memories of doodles from our past, the creations of our children, or the sketches we make in the margins. With nods to punk rock and American tattoo aesthetics, her work blends celestial, sexy, innocent, and dark themes, reflecting her wide-ranging artistic and cultural influences.

Beth runs Creative Pathways, a dynamic community art program that connects diverse communities through collaborative art-making. She teaches at local libraries, museums, and artist studios, fostering intuitive spaces for people to tap into their innate creativity. Her teaching style empowers participants to recognize their inherent artistic potential, helping them focus their creativity and begin their artistic journeys with confidence.

Beth also maintains a thriving pottery studio, where she incorporates color, drawing, and painting into each piece. Her pottery, much like her larger body of work, reflects a playful, nostalgic aesthetic. She offers private pottery lessons from her home studio and her work is available at galleries and shops throughout Boston and the South Shore.