Facilitate a Professional Development Offering

The MAEA Professional Development Committee has been planning various offerings for art educators across the state.

MAEA welcomes people inside and outside the organization, the state, and the art education field to submit proposals for professional development programming that fulfills our mission statement. We are seeking proposals in two categories.

Best Practice Offerings
Best practice offerings provide participants with information and resources that inform, improve or enhance their pedagogical practice. While primarily informative in nature, the structure should allow for interaction and collaboration among the participants and not be a lecture-based approach. The objectives of best practice offerings are to provide educators with actionable steps, professional growth, and peer support.

Content Area Knowledge Offerings
Content area knowledge offerings provide participants with hands-on exploration of art materials, techniques and tools and/or broader understanding of the art world. The structure of these offerings are interactive by nature. They should encourage inquiry, ideation, and experimentation in a supportive environment. The objectives of content area knowledge offerings are to provide educators with skill-based training that can be applied to instruction and to expand upon existing knowledge of historical and contemporary art in an effort to diversify classroom instruction.

If you have an idea for a PD offering we would love to hear from you. Submit your proposal here and our PD chair will follow up with you to discuss your proposal in more detail.